Category:Photographic Materials
From MediaWiki
This is a category for entries from the Photographic Materials Group Conservation Catalog.
Pages in category "Photographic Materials"
The following 124 pages are in this category, out of 124 total.
- Carbon
- Carbon, Carbro, Ozotype, Anthrakotype, Ozobrome
- Carbro
- Carbro, Ozotype, Anthrakotype, Ozobrome
- Chrystotype
- Collodion Negative
- Collodion-Chloride Paper
- Collotype
- Color negatives on plastic support
- Color Screen Processes
- Computer-generated digital-sourced print
- Help:Contributing to PMG Wiki
- Crayon Portraits, Solar Enlargements and Painted Photographs
- Cyanotype
- Cyanotype, Blueprint, Pellet Print
- Pellet Print
- Photogenic Drawings and Calotypes
- Photogenic Drawings, Salted Paper Prints, and Calotype Prints
- Photographic Materials
- Photogravure (etching)
- Platinum, Palladium
- PMCC Master List of Subjects
- PMG Backing, Lining, and Mounting
- Help:PMG Blank Chapter Template
- PMG Cased Photographs
- PMG Cased Photographs: Ambrotype
- PMG Cased Photographs: Daguerreotype
- PMG Cased Photographs: Tintype
- PMG Chapter 1 - Exhibitions
- PMG Collaborative Workshops Bibliographies
- PMG Connoisseurship, History, Fakes and Forgeries
- PMG Conservation Issues in Contemporary Photography 20th Century Color Workshop Bibliography
- PMG Conservation of Daguerreotypes Workshop Bibliography
- PMG Conservation Treatment Bibliography
- PMG Consolidation and Flattening of Cracks
- PMG Contemporary Photography: Digital Prints Workshop Bibliography
- PMG Damaged and Deteriorated Print Materials Compensation for Loss Workshop Bibliography
- PMG Digital Prints
- PMG Emergency Response, Salvage, and Recovery Techniques
- PMG Environmental Standards and Guidelines for Storage
- PMG Examination and Documentation
- PMG Exhibition Guidelines for Photographic Materials (published 2004)
- PMG Gels
- PMG History of Dry Mounting, Lamination, Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives
- PMG History of Mounts
- PMG Humidification, Drying and Flattening
- PMG Inpainting
- PMG Mending, Repair, and Filling
- PMG Mold Remediation
- PMG Nineteen Century Photographic Negative Processes Workshop Bibliography
- PMG Nineteen Century Silver Based Photographic Print Processes Workshop Bibliography
- PMG Non-destructive Testing and Instrumental Analysis
- PMG Photograph Collections Survey
- PMG Photograph Conservation Bibliographies
- PMG Photograph Conservation Definition and Evolution
- PMG Photograph Conservation in Egypt
- PMG Photograph Conservation in Latin America
- PMG Photograph Conservation Initiatives Around the World
- PMG Photograph Conservation Training
- PMG Photographic Process Page Template
- PMG Photographic Processes
- PMG Photographs and Preventive Conservation Workshop Bibliography
- PMG Pictorialist Processes of the Photo-Secession Workshop Bibliography
- PMG Preservation Housing Materials and Formats
- PMG Preservation of Glass in Photographic Materials
- PMG Preservation of Plastics in Photographic Materials
- PMG Preservation of Traditional Color Photographic Materials
- PMG Releasing, Detaching, and Separating
- PMG Resin Coated (RC) Papers History and Conservation
- PMG Section 1.10 References for Exhibition of Photographic Materials Chapter (Alphabetical)
- PMG Section 1.3 Effects of Exhibition on Photographic Materials
- PMG Section 1.4.1 Standards, Guidelines, and Recommendations for Light Levels During Exhibition
- PMG Section 1.4.2 Standards, Guidelines, and Recommendations for Temperature and Humidity Levels During Exhibition
- PMG Section 1.4.3 Standards, Guidelines, and Recommendations for Air Quality During Exhibition
- PMG Section 1.5.1 Monitoring Equipment
- PMG Section 1.5.2 Lighting Options
- PMG Section 1.5.3 Glazing and Filter Materials
- PMG Section 1.5.4 Matting, Backboards, and Support Materials
- PMG Section 1.5.5 Hinging and Mounting Materials
- PMG Section 1.5.6 Framing Materials
- PMG Section 1.5.7 Cases, Packing, and Crating Material
- PMG Section 1.6 Exhibition Techniques for Photographic Material
- PMG Section 1.7 Traveling Photographic Exhibits and Loans
- PMG Section 1.8 & 1.9 Standards Organizations and Polymer Names
- PMG Silver Mirroring
- PMG Surface Cleaning
- PMG Tips
- PMG Treatment of Enlargements with Applied Media (Crayon Portraits)
- PMG Unmounting
- PMG Uvatype, Uvachrome, Vitacolor
- PMG Washing, Bleaching and Stain Reduction
- PMG What is a photograph?