PMG Photograph Conservation Definition and Evolution

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Page Information
Date initiated September 2020
Page Compiler Luisa Casella
Contributors Alejandra Mendoza

Purpose of Photograph Conservation Definition and Evolution[edit | edit source]

This page focuses on the evolution of photograph conservation as a field and specialty.

Chronology[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]

Bibliography[edit | edit source]

  • Adelstein, PZ. 1986. Status of Permanence Standards, Journal of Imaging Technology, 12 (1),52-56.
  • Barger, M.S. 1980. Bibliography of Photographic Processes in Use Before 1880: Their Materials, Processing, and Conservation. Rochester, Rochester Institute of Technology.
  • Cartier-Bresson, A. 1981. Synthese des travaux recueillis dans la literature sur la restauration des photographies en noir et blanc, Les Documents graphiques et photographiques: Analyse et conservation. Travaux du centre de recherches sur la conservation des documents graphiques 1980-1981.Paris: Editions du CNRS, II-147.
  • Cartier-Bresson, A. 1987.Une nouvelle discipline: la conservation-restauration des photographies, La recherche photographique, (3), December, 69-73.
  • Clark, W. I974a. George Eastman House Conservation Laboratory. List of Supplies. George Eastman House Conservation LaboratoryArchives, 1974.
  • Clark, W. I974b. Conservation Center Laboratory. What are the objectives? Rochester, NY,George Eastman House Conservation LaboratoryArchives.
  • Clark, W. 1979. A Bibliography on Conservation of Photographs, Image, 22 (2),32.
  • Crabtree, J.I. 1921.Stains on Negatives and Prints. Their Cause, Prevention and Removal, American Annual ofPhotography, 25 (35), 204-240.
  • Davanne, A. & Girard, A. 1855.Note sur les causes qui amenent l'alteration des images photographiques positives et sur un moyen de les revifier, Comptes rendus hebdomadaires de I'Academie des Sciences, Paris, 22 oct.
  • Downey,L. & Mulligan, T. 2000. A Voice for the Prints, in T. Mulligan, (ed.) The Photography of Alfred Stieglitz. Georgia O'Keeffe's Enduring Legacy.Rochester, NY: George Eastman House, 7-16.
  • Doherty, R.J. 1977. Editorial: Conservation and Photographs, Image, 20 (3-4), September/December, 33.
  • Eaton, G.T.1970. Preservation, Deterioration, Restoration of Photographic Images, The LibraryQuarterly, 40 (I), January, 85-98.
  • Eaton, G.T.1985.Conservation ofPhotographs. Rochester, NY: Eastman Kodak Co. (Kodak publication F-40) (Bard c.,ed).
  • Flukinger, R. 1982. The Historical Question ofCollecting and Preserving Photographic Artifacts. Austin, Texas: University of Texas.
  • Hendriks, K.B.& Hopkins, D. 1982. Conservation of Photographic Materials. A Basic Reading List. Ottawa: Public Archives of Canada.
  • Hendriks, K.B.,Norris, D.H. & Reilly, J. 1986. Photograph Conservation: The State of The Art, Preprints AlC, Chicago, 1-12.
  • James, T.H. nd. A Biography-Autobiography of Charles Edward Kenneth Mees. Pioneer of Industrial Research. Rochester, NY: Photographic Research Laboratories, Eastman Kodak Company.
  • Kennedy, N. 1996. The Coming of Age of Photograph Conservation, ICOM-CC 11th Triennial Meeting, Edinburgh 1-6 September, 591-596.
  • Maynes, P.2001. The Oral History of Photograph Conservation Interviews. Menschel Library at George Eastman House.
  • Newhall, B.1959.The First Decade, Image, 8 (I), 2-4.
  • Mendoza, Alejandra. 2009. Current Status of Treatment Practices in Photograph Conservation. Advanced Residency Program Capstone Project. George Eastman House. Available here.
  • Orraca, J. 1972.Final Report on NEAGrantA72-0-9I1. Rochester, NY: George Eastman House Conservation Laboratory Archives.
  • Orraca, J. 1973.The Conservation of Photographic Materials, Bulletin of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works 13(2), 32-38.
  • Ostroff, E. 1967.Preservation of Photographs, The Photographic Journal 107 (10), October, 309-314.
  • Rath, F.J. & O'connell, M.R. 1979. Care and Conservation of Collections. A Bibliography on Historical Organization Practices. Nashville, Tennessee: American Association for State and Local History. (Reese, R S. comp.).
  • Reilly, J. 1978.The Manufacture and Use of Albumen Paper, Journal of Photographic Science and Engineering 26 (4), JulyI August, 151-161.
  • Romer, G. 1984. Some Notes on the Past, Present and Future of Photographic Preservation, Image 27 (4), December, 16-23.
  • Swan, A.1978.Conservation Treatment for Photographs: A Review of Some of the Problems, Literature and Practices, Image, 21(2), June, 24-31.
  • White, M. 1955.Care and Preservation of the Old Photographs and Negatives, Image 4 (8), November, 50-60.

Copyright 2024. Photographic Materials Group Wiki is a publication of the Photographic Materials Group of the American Institute for Conservation. It is published as a convenience for the members of thePhotographic Materials Group. Publication does not endorse nor recommend any treatments, methods, or techniques described herein. Please follow PMG Wiki guidelines for citing PMG Wiki content, keeping in mind that it is a work in progress and is frequently updated.

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