PMG Photographs and Preventive Conservation Workshop Bibliography
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PMG Collaborative Workshops Bibliographies: Photographs and Preventive Conservation[edit | edit source]
February 27 - March 1, 2006, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
Environment & Macroenvironments[edit | edit source]
- Fading Committee. “Photographic Society: Committee on Positive Printing.” Journal of the Photographic Society 2, no. 30 (21 May 1855): 159-160.
- Delamotte, Philip H., et al. “First Report of the Committee appointed to take into consideration the Question of the Fading of Positive Photographic Pictures Upon Paper.” Journal of the Photographic Society 2, no. 36 (21 November 1855): 251-252.
- Hardwich, T. F. “On the Effect of Certain Oxidizing Agents of Photographic Prints.” Journal of the Photographic Society 2, no. 38 (21 December 1855): 268-271.
- Adelstein, Peter Z. IPI Media Storage Quick Reference. Rochester: Image Permanence Institute, Rochester Institute of Technology, 2004.
- Bigourdan, Jean-Louis. “Stability of Acetate Film Base: Accelerated-Aging Data Revisited.” In Archiving 2005, April 26-29, 2005, Washington, DC, Final Program and Proceedings. General Chairs: Franziska Frey and Robert Buckley. 2005: 60-66.
- Fischer, Monique, and Andrew Robb. “Guidelines for Care and Identification of Film-Base Photographic Materials.” Topics in Photographic Preservation 5 (1993): 117-122.
- McCormick-Goodhart, Mark. “The Allowable Temperature and Relative Humidity Range for the Safe Use and Storage of Photographic Materials.” Journal of the Society of Archivists 17, no. 1 (1996): 7-21.
- Reilly, James M. IPI Storage Guide for Acetate Film. Rochester: Image Permanence Institute, 1993.
- Reilly, James M. Storage Guide to Color Photographic Materials. Albany: The University of the State of New York, 1998.
- Reilly, James M. “IPI’s Climate Notebook® Software for Environmental Analysis.” In Archiving 2005 Final Program and Proceedings. Washington, DC: Society for Imaging Science and Technology, April 26-29, 2005: 67-72.
- Robb, Andrew. “Friends of Cellulose Nitrate Still Picture Film.” Handout (2003).
- Wagner, Sarah. “Published Environmental Standards.” Handout (2000).
- Wilhelm, Henry. The Permanence and Care of Color Photographs. Grinnell, Iowa: Preservation Publishing Co., 1991.
Rehousing & Microenvironments[edit | edit source]
- Adelstein, P. Z., J.-L. Bigourdan, and J. M. Reilly. “Moisture Relationships of Photographic Film.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 36, no. 3 (1997): 193-206.
- Bigourdan, Jean-Louis, Peter Z. Adelstein, and James M. Reilly. “Moisture and Temperature Equilibration: Behavior and Practical Significance in Photographic Film Preservation.” In La Conservation: Une Science en Evolution, ARSAG Conference Proceedings (Paris 21-25, 1997). Paris: Association pour la Recherche Scientifique sur les Arts Graphiques, 1997: 154-164.
- Burge, Daniel M., James M. Reilly, and Douglas W. Nishimura. “Effects of Enclosure Papers and Paperboards Containing Lignins on Photographic Image Stability.” Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 41 (2002): 279-290.
- Lavédrine, Bertrand. “An Assessment of Pollution and its Effects on Photographic Collections.” European Cultural Heritage Newsletter on Research 10 (June 1997): 87-92.
- Conservation Department of the National Museum of Denmark. “IAQ in Museums and Archives.” 2004.
Cold Storage[edit | edit source]
- Cumberland, Donald R., Jr. “Museum Collection Storage Space: Is an Insulated Modular Structure Right for Your Collection?” Conserve O Gram 4/7 (July 1994): 1-4.
- Kopperl, D. F., and C. C. Bard. “Freeze/Thaw Cycling of Motion-Picture Films.” SMPTE Journal (August 1985): 826-827.
- Goldberg, Lisa, and Steven Weintraub. “Cobalt Indicating Silica Gel Health and Safety Update.” Conserve O Gram 2/15 (June 2001): 1-3. Adapted from “Health and Safety News,” AIC News 26, no. 1 (January 2001).
- McCormick-Goodhart, Mark H. “On the Cold Storage of Photographic Materials in a Conventional Freezer Using the Critical Moisture Indicator (CMI) Packaging Method.” Wilhelm Imaging Research website. 2003.
- McCormick-Goodhart, Mark, and Henry Wilhem. “The Cold Storage of Photographic Collections Using Conventional Freezer Technology.” Presentation at the 14th Annual National Archives Preservation Conference, 25 March 1999, Washington, DC.
- Puglia, Steven. “Cost-Benefit Analysis for B/W Acetate: Cool/Cold Storage vs. Duplication.” Abbey Newsletter 19, no. 4 (September 1995): 71-72.
- Rempel, S. “Cold and Cool Vault Environments for the Storage of Historic Photographic Materials.” CAN 38 (Spring 1989): 6-9.
- Roos, R., and H. Bloman. “An Inexpensive Method for the Preservation and Long-Term Storage of Color Film.” SMPTE Journal 92 (1983): 1314-1316.
- Sapwater, E. “Images on Ice.” PEI (April 1999): 36-43.
- Siegel, R. E. “Airflow and Humidity Control in a Two-Room Cold Storage Box: A Design Flaw Uncovered.” Topics in Photographic Preservation 6 (1995): 108-115.
- Thomson, G. The Museum Environment. 2nd ed. London: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1986.
- Wagner, Sarah. “Cold Storage Options.” Handout (2006): 1-3.
- Wagner, Sarah. “Cold Storage Handling Guidelines for Photographs.” U.S. National Archives & Records Administration website. 14 July 2005.
- Wagner, Sarah. “Cold Storage for Photographs.” Handout (16 January 2006): 1-10.
- Wallace, Jim. “Running a Cold Storage Facility: Costs, Engineering, Troubleshooting.” Presentation Handout (16 April 2003).
Emergency Preparedness[edit | edit source]
- Albright, Gary. “Flood Aftermath: The Preservation of Water-Damaged Photographs.” Topics in Photograph Preservation 3 (1989): 9-11.
- Buchanan, Sally. “Disaster: Prevention, Preparedness and Action.” Library Trends 30, no. 2 (Fall 1981): 241-251.
- “Disaster Preparedness and Response.” Conservation On-Line (CoOL) website. 26 September 2005.
- Fischer, David. “Simulation of Flood for Preparing Reproducible Water-Damaged Books and Evaluation of Traditional and New Drying Processes.” In Preservation of Paper and Textiles of Historic and Artistic Value. Advances in Chemistry Series, no. 164. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1977: 105-123.
- Harvey, Christopher. “The Conservation of Flood Damaged Photographic Material from Perth Museum and Art Gallery.” In Perth Flood Seminar: Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining. Papers Arising from the Seminar held on 7 June 2000, on the Recovery, Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art and Objects Damaged in the Perth Flood of 1993. Edinburgh: Scottish Society for Conservation and Restoration (SSCR), 2000: 17-19.
- Hendriks, Klaus B. “Recovery of Photograph Collections Following a Flood.” In Sauvegarde et Conservation des Photographies, Dessins, Imprimes et Manuscrits.Actes. Paris: Association pour la Recherche Scientifique sur les Arts Graphiques, 1991: 15-20. Reprinted in Klaus B. Hendriks: A Life Remembered. Edited by Mogens Koch. Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, 2002: 99-103.
- Hendriks, Klaus B., and Brian Lesser. “Disaster Preparedness and Recovery: Photographic Materials.” American Archivist 46, no. 1 (Winter 1983): 52-68. Reprinted in Klaus B. Hendriks: A Life Remembered. Edited by Mogens Koch. Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, 2002: 149-157.
- Hutchins, Jane K., and Debbie Hess Norris. “Salvage Techniques.” Handout Prepared by the National Emergency Task Force for Use in AIC/HP/GCI Workshops (1998).
- Norris, Debbie Hess. “Salvage Techniques: Photographic Materials.” Handout Prepared by the National Emergency Task Force for Use in AIC/HP/GCI Workshops (1998).
- Emergency Planning Committee of the National Geographic Society. “Attachment 2: Supplies, Vendors, and Other Resources and Contacts.” Handout (n.d.).
- Library of Congress. “Emergency Preparedness.” 9 August 2005. Library of Congress website.
- Library of Congress. “Emergency Drying Procedures for Water Damaged Collections.” December 1998. Library of Congress website.
- Seibert, Ann. “Emergency Preparedness for Library of Congress Collections.” 1996. Library of Congress website.
- Norris, Debbie Hess. “Disaster Recovery: Salvaging Photograph Collections.” 1998. Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA) website.
- Norris, Debbie Hess. “Air-Drying of Water-Soaked Photographic Materials: Observations and Recommendations.” In 11th Triennial Meeting Edinburgh ICOM Committee for Conservation Preprints 2. London: James and James, 1996: 601-609.
- Northeast Document Conservation Center. “Emergency Management.” In Preservation of Library and Archival Materials. Andover, MA: Northeast Document Conservation Center, 1999.
- Siegel, Robin. “An Examination of Duplicating Film Damaged by Water in 1986.” Topics in Photographic Preservation 8 (1999): 11-15.
- Stender, Walter W., and Evans Walker. “The National Personnel Records Center Fire: A Study in Disaster.” American Archivist 37, no. 4 (October 1974): 521-549.
- Turchan, Carol. “The Chicago Historical Society Flood: Recovery Analysis Two Years Later.” The Book and Paper Group Annual 7 (1988): 58-67.
- Walsh, Betty. “Salvage Operations for Water Damaged Archival Collections: A Second Glance.” WAAC Newsletter 19, no. 2 (May 1997): 12-22.
- Süd-Chemie. “Product Profile: Commercial Humidity Indicator Cards.” Handout (2003).
- “Humidity Indicator Temperature Correction Chart.” Handout.
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