PMG Photograph Conservation Training

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Date initiated January 2022
Page Compiler Emma Cieslik
Contributors Luisa Casella, Alejandra Mendoza, Ashley Stanford

Photograph Conservation Training[edit | edit source]

Specialization in this area can be achieved through specialized graduate training, internships and further advanced though fellowships. This page focuses on training opportunities to specialize in Photograph Conservation.For information on photograph conservation initiatives see also Photograph Conservation Around the World.

Graduate Programs[edit | edit source]

Country Program Name Description Contact and Photography Faculty
Austria Conservation - Restoration of Paper / Photographs / Books / Archive Material, Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carolin Bohlmann

Phone: + 43 (1) 58816 - 8800


Canada Queen's University 2-year Master of Art Conservation with research or treatment stream options Rosaleen Hill (Director and Assistant Professor - Paper Conservation, Photographic Materials and New Media)
Canada Ryerson University

Film + Photography Preservation and Collections Management

2-year Master of arts program focused on film and photography preservation Marta Braun (Professor in the School of Image Arts, Ryerson University and Director of its graduate program in Photographic Preservation)


Colombia Universidad Externado de Colombia Two one-year postgraduate programs in submerged cultural heritage and sustainability and cultural heritage
Denmark The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation KADK 2-year Master of arts program Lene Grinde (part-time lecturer on conservation) and Mogens S. Koch (practicing conservator, Danish Portal for Artistic and Scientific Research)
France Institut national du patrimoine, Aubervilliers 5-year Master's program involving theoretical, academic and scientific training
Mexico National School of Conservation, Restoration and Museography (ENCRyM) 9-semester program in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, with an elective semester on Conservation of Photographs Liliana Dávila, Ana Lizeth Mata Delgado
Netherlands UvA University of Amsterdam 2-year Master of science in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage Clara von Waldthausen (humanities faculty member)
Poland Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw 5-year Master program with four different specialties: (1) paintings and wooden sculpture, (2) books, prints, and antique leather, (3) stone sculpture and architectural elements, and (4) antique textiles Prof dr hab. Marzenna Ciechańska (Dean of the Department of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art)
Poland Fine Arts in Krakow, Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art Conservation program with two specialties - painting conservation and restoration, and sculpture conservation and restoration
Poland Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun Conservation and restoration of art program Dr. Tomasz Kozielec (Head of Department of Paper and Leather Conservation)
Portugal Universidade Nova de Lisboa Master of arts in conservation and restoration
Spain Escola Superior de Conservació i Restauració de Béns Culturals de Catalunya (ESCRBCC) Master in Conservation and Restoration of Photographic Heritage
United States SUNY Buffalo State University - Patricia H. and Richard E. Garman Art Conservation Department 3-year program awarding a dual MA/MS degree: Master of Arts in Conservation of Art and Cultural Heritage, and Master of Science in Conservation Science and Imaging, and the option to specialize in photograph conservation Theresa Smith (Associate Professor of Paper Conservation); Gary Albright, Guest Lecturer.

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United States New York University 4-year dual Master of Arts and Master of Science in Conservation and Art History Nora Kennedy (Adjunct Faculty in Fine Arts)

Katherine Sanderson

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United States University of Rochester/GEH,

Photographic Preservation and Collections Management

Master's program in Photographic Preservation and Collections Management with coursework, internship rotation and final essay Joan Saab (Associate Professor of Art History, PPCM Program Co-Director)
United States Winterthur/University of Delaware 3-year Master of Science program in Art Conservation, option specializing in photography Debbie Norris (Chairperson in Art Conservation)

Barbara Lemmen

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Research Scholarships and Fellowships[edit | edit source]

Title Institution City, Country Description Eligibility Duration
Andrew W. Mellon Advanced Training Fellowship in Photograph Conservation National Gallery of Art Washington DC, USA Working under the guidance of the Gallery’s conservators and scientists, the fellow will focus on two aspects: treatment of the photograph collections and a self-selected research project that culminates in a publishable paper. The photograph collections include both fine art photographs in the department of photographs and research collections in the Library. Graduates degree in conservation with a concentration in photographs or equivalent training. No more than five years of work experience after graduation. 3 years
Andrew W. Mellon Fellow in Photograph Conservation Art Institute of Chicago Chicago, IL Graduate degree in conservation or equivalent experience 2 years
Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in Photograph Conservation Cleveland Museum of Art Cleveland, OH Treatment and research. Graduate degree in conservation or equivalent experience 1-3 years
Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship in Photograph Conservation Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) New York City, USA Research project using the Museum's resources and collection. Graduate degree in conservation or equivalent experience 2-3 years
Post-Graduate Fellow in Photo Conservation Amon Carter Museum of American Art Fort Worth, TX Examination, documentation, analysis, treatment, and research on the collection and is expected to present their findings at a professional conference and produce a formal paper before the end of the appointment based on research completed during the fellowship. Graduate degree in conservation or equivalent experience 2 years
Post-Graduate Fellowship in Photographic Conservation Lunder Conservation Center, Smithsonian American Art Museum Washington DC, USA The fellow will work with the SAAM Photographic Conservator, Curator, and Curatorial Research Assistance on conservation treatments, preservation, and research of artworks. They will also collaborate with SAAM's registration department to catalog components and perform condition exams on two collections, and with Smithsonian MCI researchers for materials analysis. The project will include remedial treatments and stabilization interventions. U.S. and international conservators with a Master’s degree in conservation from a recognized conservation training program 2 years
Research Scholarship in Photograph Conservation The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York City, USA Senior Conservation Fellowship. Research project focusing on the Museum's resources and collection. Graduate degree in conservation or equivalent experience 2-3 years
The Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation Fellowship in Photograph Conservation The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum New York City, NY Focus on the conservation, preservation, and research of the photographic collection held by the Guggenheim Museum, working in a collaborative and interdisciplinary lab. Participate in a research initiative focused on the museum's Robert Mapplethorpe Collection. Master's degree in art conservation 2 years

Internship Opportunities[edit | edit source]

The following institutions and labs have traditionally offered internships in Photograph Conservation:

Resources[edit | edit source]

Continued Education[edit | edit source]

FAIC Collaborative Workshops in Photograph Conservation[edit | edit source]

Initiated by Debra Hess Norris and Nora Kennedy in 1997 with funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, this workshop series became part of the FAIC professional development program in 2009 through an endowment grant from the same foundation. Every two years, approximately three workshops are organized: two hands-on sessions for smaller groups and one lecture-based session for a larger audience. These workshops aim to address emerging needs in photograph conservation, focusing on traditional photographic processes and the preservation and identification of digital prints and other new media. Participants commonly receive resources such as supporting reference texts.

List of workshops:[edit | edit source]
  • 1997 – Nineteenth Century Silver Based Photographic Print Processes
  • 1999 – Pictorialist Processes of the Photo-Secession

Further Reading[edit | edit source]

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