PMG Photograph Conservation in Egypt

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Photograph Conservation in Egypt
Date initiated: February 2021.
Page Compiler Rasha Sasheen

Egyptian Photographs Conservators[edit | edit source]

Dr. Rasha Shaheen[edit | edit source]

Dr. Rasha Shaheen, Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt.

Rasha Shaheen is a Senior Photograph Conservator at the Egyptian Museum. She finished a Master's degree in Conservation of heritage paper and photographs from Catania University in Italy. She enrolled in a Ph.D. at Fayoum University in using Nano Silver to treat with Black and White Gelatin Silver prints. She published many manuscripts on the conservation of cultural heritage. She participated in many conferences, symposiums, and meetings. She has many grants and awards. She is a member of AIC/PMG, IIC, and ICOM. She is a member of the AIC 2021 Conference Proceedings Subcommittee, a member of the IIC Wellington Congress 2022 DEV, and a member of the IIC Adapt program. She is a member of the AIC 2021 Conference Proceedings Subcommittee, a member of the IIC Wellington Congress 2022 DEV, and a member of the IIC Adapt program, digital Volunteers in 4th Regional Conference 2021. Peer Reviewer at Egyptian Journal of Chemistry and also at Pigment & Resin Technology Journal.

Mohamed Hendy[edit | edit source]

Mohamed Hendy, Egyptian Archive, Cairo, Egypt.

A Photographs Conservator with more than 10 years of experience in the conservation and preservation of both governmental and private collections, teaching chemistry of photography, and photographs conservation. Founder of the initiative " SORAH" to spread the Culture of Photographs conservation in Egypt. An MSc in Photographs Conservation 2017, Catania University, Italy. BSc in Conservation, 2009, Cairo University.

Emil Samir[edit | edit source]

Emil Samir, Egyptian Ministry of Archeology, Cairo, Egypt.

Heritage photographic conservation expert, specializing in color photographs. He has more than 10 years of experience in preserving and preserving government and private collections. PhD in Preserving Cultural Heritage from Fayoum University 2023. Master in Image Conservation 2017, University of Catania, Italy. Bachelor's degree in Restoration of Antiquities from Fayoum University.

Medhat Eldabaa[edit | edit source]

Medhat Eldabaa Fayoum University, Egypt.

Egyptian photographs conservators. He completed a bachelor's degree in conservation from the Faculty of Archaeology, South Valley University, Egypt. He completed his MA in Heritage photograph Preservation from the University of Catania, Italy 2017. He registered at Fayoum University for my Ph.D. in Conservation of Photographs. He preserved and conserved many of the photographic archives. He participated in several workshops to teach colleagues how to preserve and digitize photographs. He published many manuscripts on the conservation of photographs.

Mervat Abdullah[edit | edit source]

Freelancer Photographs Conservator, Cairo, Egypt.

Egyptian photographs conservators. She completed her MA in Heritage photograph Preservation from the University of Catania, Italy 2017. She registered at Alexandria University for my Ph.D. in Conservation of Photographs. She preserved and conserved many of the photographic archives. She participated in several workshops to teach colleagues how to preserve and digitize photographs. She published many manuscripts in conservation of photographs.

Heritage Photographs Conservation Studies[edit | edit source]

International Master Program in Conservation of Antique Photographs[edit | edit source]

On March 18, 2017, the first batch of the joint master's program between Helwan University in Egypt and Catania University in Italy graduated, this program specializes in restoring photographs and heritage paper.

This International Master Program is part of a wider initiative, i.e., the establishment of the Egyptian-Italian Center for the Conservation of Antique Photographs and Paper Heritage (acronym EICAP) and the associated conservation laboratory. EICAP has been created with financial support by the Cooperation Development Program of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The primary objectives of the EICAP initiative are to establish correct guidelines for the conservation of antique photographs and paper heritage and, more in general, bringing to light the vast treasures of private photographic collections that are currently unknown to experts in the field and the public at large. EICAP, hosted by the Faculty of Fine Arts of Helwan University in Zamalek, in the benign and now it organized in Faculty of applied arts, Orman, Doky, Giza, is a unique initiative for the entire Middle East and the Arab Region, especially for what concerns aspects relevant to photographic conservation and restoration. EICAP is also meant to work as a research and educational institute that will offer educational programs and certifications. The main educational program is the International Master in Conservation of Antique Photographs and Paper Heritage, organized jointly by Helwan University (Egypt) and from the University of Catania (Italy).

The Master in Conservation of Antique Photographs and Paper Heritage will be held at Helwan University, Cairo. The duration of the Master Program is four semesters (two years). The academic curriculum follows the European Credit Transfer System. The Master Program is worth 120 credits (ECTS) organized in 15 courses and a Master Thesis project.

The Master Program emphasizes fundamental aspects of conservation science, including sciences (physics, chemistry, biology) applied to the conservation of old photographs and antique paper documents and manuscripts, as well as practical conservation skills, to which nearly three-quarters of the academic credits are dedicated. Instructors will be professors of Helwan and Catania universities as well as professional conservation experts.

Students successfully completing the four-semester study program, including the discussion of a master thesis, will be awarded a joint Catania-Helwan Master Degree in Conservation of Antique Photographs and Paper Heritage, equivalent to an M.Sc. university degree in Egypt and a professional master's degree according to the Italian and European (Bologna process) system.

Master's students graduate

Training courses and workshop[edit | edit source]

Egyptian Exploration Society (EES)[edit | edit source]

Helwan University, in cooperation with The Egypt Exploration Society, organized a workshop entitled "Basics of Conservation of Heritage Photographs", from 12 to 16 January 2017. In it, a set of themes were discussed on the history of photographs, the components of the photograph and its structural structure, the most important factors that lead to its deterioration, and methods of recording and documenting photographs. The practical aspect of the archiving process was carried out by visiting the photocopied archive of the Egyptian Al-Ahram Journal. All participants printed and developed a gelatin photograph using traditional methods, using contact print process, developer and fixer.

The Basics of Photographs Conservation Workshop

Egyptian Ministry of Antiquates[edit | edit source]

The Training and Scientific Publishing Department of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities in Cairo, Egypt held a training course on conservation and preservation of photographs in the Lecture Hall of the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir square, Cairo. From 20 to 24 October 2019. A visit to the library of the American University in Cairo was made to review the library's most important photographic collections, and how to preserve and digitize the library's photographic collections.

The growing regional and global demand for training related to the preservation of photographs and archives. The explosive growth of photographic collections, in terms of their number, dimensions and geographical distribution, has continued since the early twentieth century at a much faster rate than any other type of material. Photographs also present certain characteristics that make them a catalyst for the development of conservation theory and practice. Photographs possess a multi-faceted aesthetic and material identity linking art and science, blurring the traditional boundaries between falsehood and authenticity, in addition to the implicit goal of "documenting" life.

Preservation and Conservation of Photographs Workshop
Group photo of the trainees after the workshop at Egyptian Museum

Ain Shams University[edit | edit source]

Professor Noha Salem, Director of the Center for Papyrus Studies and Inscriptions at Ain Shams University, announced the start of registration for a workshop entitled "Conservation of Photographs" in the period from December 8: 9, provided that the session will be held in the Conservation laboratory at the headquarters of the Center from 10 am to 2 pm, provided that Attendance on the first day is free for all, in the belief of the center in spreading knowledge and awareness of the importance of photographs as part of history and civilization, provided that the workshop fees are supported by young researchers and specialists.

Professor Noha Salem added that the workshop will deal with practical and theoretical lectures, including: (History of photographs - composition of black and white images - factors of damage to photographs - scientific methods for examining and analyzing photographs - practical training on restoring photographs - documentation - examination - analysis - conservation).

The center's director added that the course aims to introduce students, researchers, and restorers to the history of photographs, as well as the various types of photographic images used in the past and in the past, and to raise awareness of the archaeological importance of photographs as part of history, in addition to spreading awareness of how to preserve them through practical training on some archaeological images.

Photographic material collection
Group photo of the trainees with the lecturers

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