Talk:Photographic Materials
PMG Wiki Outline[edit source]
- Photograph Conservation
- What is a photograph?
- Definition and Evolution of the Field
- History of the Photographic Materials Group
- Initiatives Around the World
- Photograph Conservation Bibliographies
- Training in Photograph Conservation
- Laboratories
- Materials and Tips
- Photographic Materials
- Photographic Processes
- Color Photographic Materials
- Digital Prints
- Cased Photographs
- Glass in Photographic Materials
- Plastics in Photographic Materials
- Multi-Media, Collage and Composite Constructions
- Documentation and Analysis
- Examination and Documentation
- Non-destructive Testing and Instrumental Analysis
- Preventive Conservation
- Environmental Standards and Guidelines for Storage
- Preservation Housing Materials and Formats
- Exhibition, Display and Transport
- Exhibition Guidelines for Photographic Materials
- Emergency Recovery
- Emergency Response, Salvage and Recovery Techniques
- Mold Remediation
- Treatment Procedures
- Surface Cleaning
- Gels Applied to Photographic Materials
- Silver Mirroring Strategies
- Foxing
- Releasing, Detaching, and Separating
- Unmounting
- Washing, Bleaching and Stain Reduction
- Mending, Repairing, and Filling
- Consolidating and Flattening Cracks
- Backing, Lining, and Mounting
- Humidifying, Drying and Flattening
- Inpainting
- Technical Studies
- Connoisseurship, History, Fakes and Forgeries
- History of Mounts
- History of Dry Mounting, Laminating and Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives
- Resin Coated(RC) Papers History and Conservation
Revised Roles and Definitions to Include in Officers Handbook post 2020[edit source]
PMG Wiki Committee
The PMG Wiki Committee is headed by a Chair and a minimum of two Coordinators. These are volunteer positions with 3 year terms. The Coordinator positions may be renewed at the end of their terms. The Chair must step down after 3 years and can stay on the committee as a Coordinator. Additionally, each wiki page will have a volunteer Page Compiler. The Page Compiler positions have no set term of service. Staggered rotation of Committee members is strongly encouraged to ensure continuity.
PMG Wiki Committee Chair Role and Responsibilities
In addition to all items listed under the Coordinator’s role and responsibilities, the PMG Wiki Committee Chair agrees to:
Represent the committee’s activities as a spokesperson to the AIC E-Editor and will compile and present activity reports to the membership at Business Meetings.
Send out the agenda and invitation, as well as record and archive notes on the committee’s monthly conference calls.
Ensure that emails sent to the committee’s email address ( are read and answered as appropriate, copying committee members on all communications.
Ensure that the committee’s activities and records are archived in the shared Google Drive adjacent to the committee’s email address (
PMG Wiki Committee Coordinator Role and Responsibilities
PMG Wiki Coordinators oversee volunteer activities on the photographic materials sections of the AIC Wiki. Activities include revising chapters and sections they are Page Compilers of, raising awareness of the PMG Wiki, keeping PMG members informed of its progress, recruiting other Page Compilers and Contributors, organizing editing events, assisting volunteers who come forward with research and expertise they want to share and pointing them to the appropriate Page Compiler or assigning those colleagues to become Compilers, and integrating the PMG Wiki with other PMG Publications Committee efforts. The PMG Wiki Coordinators work closely with the Publications Committee Chair and participate in all Publications Committee activities.
The PMG Wiki Coordinators Role and Responsibilities are to:
- Continually make the Wiki a more trusted place for PMG members to share information such as technical tips, images, bibliographies, and research not available elsewhere.
- Develop content by recruiting Page Compilers and coordinating small group collaborations.
- Empower individual PMG members and support them with resources to positively contribute to the Wiki and become leaders in the PMG Wiki community.
- Communicate clearly and openly via the dedicated ( email address with PMG members.
- Maintain an archive of documents and communications on the designated email’s Google drive.
- Maintain a shared log of progress on the shared drive (this helps everyone know what has been done and makes reporting to membership easier).
- Organize events, online or in-person (such as at the AIC Annual Meeting) that promote Wiki collaborations between PMG members such as online update sessions, content-drives, leading training sessions, etc.
- Streamline navigation, improve forward-facing experience for members, and provide technical support for Contributors if necessary. This might include reforming the Chapter/Section headings that were held over from the printed Photographic Materials Conservation Catalog, creating templates that users can copy and paste to start new pages, and being available for calls and emails with contributors.
- Hold monthly conference calls for updates and planning, open to Page Compilers and members of adjacent committees such as Publications, Social Media, or even other Specialty Groups to strategize and collaborate.
PMG Wiki Page Compiler Role and Responsibilities
The role of the Page Compiler is to: oversee the page content, add and organize the text, monitor the page for changes, reach out to possible contributors that have worked or researched the specific page topic.
This is a volunteer position with the duration of your choosing.
The Page Compiler commits to regularly report page progress to the PMG Wiki committee and has the option to participate in the committee’s monthly calls.
Last Update November 2020