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The Imaging Wiki[edit | edit source]

Welcome to the AIC Imaging Wiki!

The Imaging Wiki, started by the AIC Imaging Working Group, aims to establish an online platform that shares information about conservation imaging techniques and encourages users to share imaging resources, case studies, and workflows. The Wiki is intended to be a dynamic resource for the community and like all Wiki's, the site’s content is a collaborative work-in-progress. You can:

  • Search the entire AIC Wiki by using the "search" box at the top of each page...
  • Browse the Imaging Wiki by using the links below...
  • Get Involved by visiting the Help: IWG Help Wanted!
Imaging Group Wiki
Imaging Techniques Visible light imaging · Infrared radiation imaging · Ultraviolet radiation imaging · False-color image processing · Thermography · Imaging Spectroscopy · Reflectance Transformation Imaging · 3D Imaging · X-Radiography
Community Resources Workflows · Glossary of Terms · Imaging Equipment Resources · References · Interpretation of Results
Wiki Contributor Resources IWG Contributors' Toolbox ·  IWG Wiki Referencing Protocol · Accessing Conservation Literature (AIC) · Help Wanted · Template for New Page
Imaging Working Group Resources IWG Meetings and Meeting Information · Community Projects · IWG Community Discussion boards

Contributors: Greg Bailey, Andrew Bruce, Moshe Caine, Stephanie Cashman, Christopher Ciccone, Jan Cutajar, Alexander Dittus, Maggie Downing, Gwenanne Edwards, Lucia Elledge, Emily Frank, John ffrench, Brinker Ferguson, Stephanie Guidera, Hendrik Hameeuw, Kurt Heumiller, Leah Humenuck, Shan Kuang, Annette Keller, Dale Kronkright, Dawn Kriss, Loa Ludvigsen, Jennifer McGlinchey Sexton, Michal Mikesell, Adam Neese, Basia Nosek, Yosi Pozeilov, Roxanne Radpour, Caroline Roberts, Wendy Rose, Silvia Russo, Marina Ruiz-Molina, Megan Salas, Carla Schroer, Anna Serotta, Paige Schmidt, Jennifer McGlinchey Sexton, Amalia Siatou, Chantal Stein, Aaron Steele, Jesse Huiskamp, Colette Hardman-Peavy, Marianne Weldon, Germain Wiseman, Gina Watkinson, Zarah Walsh-Korb, E. Keats Webb, Jiuan Jiuan Chen, Yi Yang, James Craven, and Bruno Vandermeulen.

Imaging Working Group[edit | edit source]

The AIC Imaging Working Group (IWG) was established in the Spring of 2020 in recognition of imaging’s importance to the ethical and evolving practice of conservation. The IWG aims to develop both a community and resources to support conservators in utilizing the growing number of imaging technologies and practices. The IWG is partnered with the AIC Research and Technical Studies (RATS) Specialty Group.

The Working Group’s purpose is to:

  • Support communication and cross-disciplinary collaboration through meetings, community events, and projects;
  • Identify and address the imaging needs and challenges that conservators encounter in their work through the development of the IWG Wiki and IWG Community Discussion boards;
  • Promote best conservation imaging practices by providing resources and community support through the IWG Wiki.

If you are interested to learn more or get involved in the Imaging Working Group, email

Current IWG Leadership Team: Adam Neese (Chair), Kenzie Klaeser (Secretary), Leah Humenuck (ECPN Liaison), Wendy Rose (Wiki Lead), E. Keats Webb (Adviser)