Category:Imaging Techniques
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Imaging > Imaging Techniques
In progress: Seeking additional comments and images to develop this section
Please be patient, this part of the site is under development. It is the start of a page focusing on imaging for documentation, research, and fun in conservation!
This section will focus on specific imaging techniques for conservation and cultural heritage documentation including information on terminology, applications, tools, workflows, and bibliographies.
- Visible light imaging
- Infrared radiation imaging
- Ultraviolet radiation imaging
- Specular illumination imaging
- Raking illumination imaging
- False-color image processing
- Thermography (thermal imaging)
- Imaging Spectroscopy (Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imaging)
- Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI)
- 3D Imaging
- Digital X-radiography
Pages in category "Imaging Techniques"
The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.