Talk:BPG Exhibition, Supports, and Transport

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Book and Paper Group Wiki > Exhibition, Supports, Transport

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Introductory paragraph: This chapter aims to describe the many contributions that have been made to provide physical support of a book, including reader use, reformatting, temporary displays and longer-term exhibition considerations. Techniques, guidelines, and bibliography of major contributions regarding supports for various forms of dimensional books, in various states of condition, are offered.

BPG Wiki
In 2009, the Foundation of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (FAIC) launched the AIC Wiki with funding assistance from the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT), a division of the National Parks Service. Along with catalogs from other specialty groups, the published Paper Conservation Catalog and the unpublished Book Conservation Catalog were transcribed into a Wiki environment. The original page was written by Suzy Morgan. Nora Lockshin joined the project as compiler in 2016. In 2017, the BPG Wiki Coordinators reformatted this chapter by removing the legacy numbered outline format and improving internal links. ----or--- In 2017, the BPG Wiki Coordinators [or volunteer name] reformatted this chapter by removing the legacy numbered outline format, combining the sections on "Materials and Treatment" and "Treatment Variations", renaming sections, and improving internal links.

Factors to consider[edit source]

paragraph needed; summary & generalities about choices for the support and protection of books. Further: costs; Oddy test/offgassing/ materials; compression/crush resistance; internal fit; automation; changing technologies

Needs of the object[edit source]

Materials used for mount/enclosure (media, paper, leather, adhesives, etc.)
Plain text.

  • Texture
  • Bullet header
inset text under bullet header
  • bulleted list under bullet header

Size, weight and fragility of volume
Plain text.

  • Bullet header
inset text under bullet header
  • bulleted list under bullet header

Soft vs. hard covered volume (suggest instead: limp, unsupported, versus in-boards or case bound Nlockshin (talk) 12:52, 13 May 2016 (CDT))
Plain text.

  • Bullet header
inset text under bullet header
  • bulleted list under bullet header

Flexibility or degree of opening
Plain text.

  • Bullet header
inset text under bullet header
  • bulleted list under bullet header

Textblock support
Plain text.

  • Bullet header
inset text under bullet header
  • bulleted list under bullet header

Exhibition conditions (some of this material is covered elsewhere but links need to be defined)[edit source]

Environment (temperature, humidity, light, security)
Exhibit cases
Duration' (turn the page after XX months, etc.)
Monitoring conditions while on display

Mounts[edit source]

Flat, closed display
Wedges and Cradles and Pillows, oh my

  • Opening degree
  • Angle of display
  • Strapping
  • storage of mounts when not in use
  • complexity of making
  • sustainability
    • durability
    • reuse of materials
    • cleaning/covers

Transport housings[edit source]

Primary housing
(for internal exhibits and to be used with additional protection for external exhibits) Storage box (link to elsewhere) (@Susan, needs clarification? Nlockshin (talk) 12:57, 13 May 2016 (CDT))

Transport box or crate

  • Local transport
  • International transport

Storage of housings

(while object is on exhibit...)

Transportation considerations[edit source]

Internal exhibits

Loan requirements[edit source]

Variations[edit source]

Supports for flat, closed display Wedges

  • Materials, equipment, directions and variations for multiple types of wedges    


  • Materials, equipment, directions and variations for multiple types of cradles
  • Strapping
  • Normal pages
  • Interleaving

Transport housings

  • Materials, equipment, directions and variations for multiple types of transport housings

Special Considerations

  • Foldout pages
  • Oversize materials

Automation[edit source]

Discussion of CNC

  • Casemake measurements
  • Excel template for box making (Brenna? Michelle?)
  • 3D capture modeling printing for negative space

Bibliography[edit source]

To add, & organize, via Works Cited (reflist) and/or Annotated Bib, tbd per content dev above[edit source]

--Nlockshin (talk) 14:31, 11 March 2019 (CDT):

downloadable PDF of guidelines for lending works on paper published by the Print Council:
Doyle, Beth and Marylyn Doyle. 2019. “Book Futon Sewing Instructions.” Handout.
The authors give instructions for making, using, and caring for book futons. Book futons are cloth book supports designed for use in rare book reading rooms. They are also described in Duke University's "How To Use A Book Futon" YouTube video and "A Fleet of Futons–Yours for the Making" blog post.

Nlockshin (talk) 12:32, 13 May 2016 (CDT)

Don't Rock the Cradle: Books in Exhibition – Mounts, Materials, and Economy.[1]. Symposium held at Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC. April 01 – 03, 2015.
Includes gallery of demonstration tables, abstracts of presentations, some of which are published on the website including:
Campbell, Brenna. Wundercradle: On-site Construction of Custom Exhibit Mounts
Dubansky, Mindell. Experiments in Book Support
Fredericks, Maria. Book Cradles for Exhibition—Access, Aesthetics and Preservation
Klayman Jacobson, Emily. Cradles for Bound Japanese Books
Linde, Shan. When All Else Fails, Go Back to the Basics
Lockshin, Nora. Opposites Attract: Magnets in Mounts
Turner, Nancy. Cradles for Displaying Illuminated Manuscripts: Collection Rotations versus Temporary Loan Exhibitions at the J. Paul Getty Museum .
Baughman, Mary C. “Book Supports.” Accessed January 3, 2019.
Elissa Campbell. “Collapsible Book Cradle.” Blue Roof Designs (blog), June 3, 2013.
“Environmental Conditions for Exhibiting Library and Archival Materials.” National Information Standards Organization, March 2, 2001.
Hammill, Michelle. “Many Happy Returns.” Cornell University Library Conservation (blog), July 31, 2015.
Herbison, Matt. “Collapsible and Portable Book Cradle,” June 15, 2009.

"Mary Todd Glaser. “2.5 Protecting Paper and Book Collections During Exhibition.” In Preservation of Library and Archival Materials: A Manual, 3rd ed. NEDCC Preservation Leaflets. Northeast Document Conservation Center, 1999.

National Information Standards Organization (U.S.). Environmental Conditions for Exhibiting Library and Archival Materials: An American National Standard. National Information Standards Series. Bethesda, Md: NISO Press, 2001.
Reidell, Sarah. “Book and Paper Group Tips Session 2013: Contemporary Treatment - Tips and Techniques,” 2013, 11.
Victoria and Albert Museum, Online Museum. “Mounts for the Display of Books,” January 11, 2011.

Extant Bib[edit source]

to reformat ref codes into new reflist style

Baier, R. 2004. “Vivak: An Alternative to Conventional Plexiglas and Museum Board for Exhibition Mounts”. The Book and Paper Book Annual, Vol. 22, The American Institute for Conservation of Historic And Artistic Works, pp. 109-110.

Glaser, M. T. 2007. “Protecting Paper and Book Collections During Exhibition”. In Preservation Leaflets. Northeast Document Conservation Center. Accessed May 13, 2015. <>.

Hatchfield, P. 1994. "Choosing Materials for Museum Storage." In Storage of Natural History Collections: Basic Concepts. Carolyn L. Rose and Catharine A. Hawks, eds. Pittsburgh, PA: Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections.

Ogden, S. 2007. “4.2 Storage Furniture: A Brief Review of Current Options”. In Preservation Leaflets. Northeast Document Conservation Center. Accessed April 11, 2013. <>.

“Packing and Storing Books”. 2013. In Conservation Guides. The State Library of Victoria. Accessed April 11, 2013. <>.

“Care, Handling, and Storage of Books”. 2013. The Library of Congress Preservation Directorate. Accessed April 11, 2013. <>.

History of This Chapter[edit source]

Wiki Compilers: Nora Lockshin
Wiki Contributors: Suzy Morgan; Susan Russick; Shelly Smith, your name could be here

Copyright 2025. The AIC Wiki is a publication of the American Institute for Conservation (AIC). It is published as a convenience for the members of AIC. Publication does not endorse nor recommend any treatments, methods, or techniques described herein. Information on researching with and citing the wiki can be found on the Reference and Bibliography Protocols page.

Cite this page:

American Institute for Conservation (AIC). "Talk:BPG Exhibition, Supports, and Transport." AIC Wiki. March 26, 2025.,_Supports,_and_Transport.

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