BPG Annual Meeting Tips Sessions

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Book and Paper Group Wiki > BPG Annual Meeting Tips Sessions

This page presents the treatment tips and creative solutions presented at the BPG Tips Sessions at the 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2019, and 2020 AIC Annual Meetings. If you presented tips at these or other Annual Meetings, please contribute to this page. For treatment tips that have not been presented at an Annual Meeting, contact the BPG Wiki Coordinators at bookandpapergroup.wiki@gmail.com, who will help you find a place for them on the Wiki.

Copyright 2025. The AIC Wiki is a publication of the American Institute for Conservation (AIC). It is published as a convenience for the members of AIC. Publication does not endorse nor recommend any treatments, methods, or techniques described herein. Information on researching with and citing the wiki can be found on the Reference and Bibliography Protocols page.

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American Institute for Conservation (AIC). "BPG Annual Meeting Tips Sessions." AIC Wiki. March 25, 2025. https://www.conservation-wiki.com/wiki/BPG_Annual_Meeting_Tips_Sessions.

2020 BPG/PMG Joint Tips Session - 48th AIC Annual Meeting, VIRTUAL[edit | edit source]

Syringe-cast Agarose Tool for Dry and Wet Cleaning (Madison Brockman)[edit | edit source]

The “Stain Stick”: Syringe-Cast Agarose with Citrate-Based Stain Reduction Solution Presented by Madison Brockman, Paper Conservator, Los Angeles, at the 48th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

S.M.I.L.E.: Software Makes Intentional Language Easy (Jan Burandt)[edit | edit source]

S.M.I.L.E. Presented by Jan Burandt, Conservator of Works of Art on Paper, The Menil Collection at the 48th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

Save time! Use software shortcuts

Ready to Roll: A Mobile Double-Fan Adhesive Binding Press (Nora Dempsey)[edit | edit source]

Ready to Roll Presented by Nora Dempsey, Associate Collections Conservator, Harvard Library at the 48th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.
Image Gallery

Lessons from the Penn Librarian Teaching Institute (Tessa Gadomski)[edit | edit source]

Lessons from the Penn Librarian Teaching Institute Presented by Tessa Gadomski, Conservation Librarian, Penn Libraries, University of Pennsylvania at the 48th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

Using lessons learned from the Teaching Institute to improve Careful Handling Training for student workers

Using Plasti-Dip to Seal Lead Weights (Kim Hoffman)[edit | edit source]

Using Plasti-Dip to Seal Lead Weights Presented by Kim Hoffman, Preservation Librarian, Miami University at the 48th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

This is a way to protect staff members from lead exposure when handling weights.

Mobile Camera Lenses and a USB Microscope (Leah Humenuck)[edit | edit source]

Presented by Leah Humenuck, Book and Library Materials Conservator, at the 48th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

Three Tips for Commercially Available Mobile Bases for Large and Heavy Equipment for Paper Conservation Labs (Seth Irwin)[edit | edit source]

Mobile Bases Presented by Seth Irwin, Conservator, Indiana State Library at the 48th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.
Image Gallery

Supplier and Use of Waterproof Breathable Fabrics for Humidification (Amanda Maloney)[edit | edit source]

Presented by Amanda Maloney, Special Collections Conservator at the Weissman Preservation Center at Harvard University, at the 48th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

Tip 1: Polyethylene heat-sealed “photo corners” with a housing system for double-sided manuscripts (Deborah Mayer)[edit | edit source]

Tip 2: Caution on the use of “water pens” with ethanol (Deborah Mayer)[edit | edit source]

Presented by Deborah Mayer, Helen H. Glaser Senior Paper Conservator at the Weissman Preservation Center at Harvard University, at the 48th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

A Book Mount for Technical Examination and Treatment (Laura Panadero)[edit | edit source]

A Book Mount for Technical Examination and Treatment' Presented by Laura Panadero, Claire W. and Richard P. Morse Fellow in Paper Conservation, Museum of Fine Arts Boston at the 48th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

A mount to support books at a perpendicular angle for technical examination and treatment.

Handmade Couched Laminate Boards: a historic process adapted for treatment (Oa Sjoblom)[edit | edit source]

Handmade Couched Laminate Boards Presented by Oa Sjoblom, Book conservator, M.A. / C.A.S Library and Archive Conservation at the 48th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

A Process for Making Handmade Couched Laminate Books for Fills on Book Boards

Rehousing the Bellocq negatives at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Elsa Thyss)[edit | edit source]

Presented by Elsa Thyss, Andrew W. Mellon Fellow in Photograph Conservation at the Art Institute of Chicago, at the 48th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

Bluetooth, Gold Mount, Versatile LED Examination Lights and Accessories (Brianna Warren)[edit | edit source]

Versatile LED Examination Lights and Accessories Presented by Brianna Warren, Conservation Studio Technician, Menil Drawing Institute, The Menil Collection at the 48th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

The Litepanels Astra 6x 105W Bi-Color LED lights and their associated accessories are a versatile, easy to use lighting system that can be upgraded over time.

The Adaptable Conservation Book Support (ACBS): A DIY, Open-Design Tool (Roger Williams)[edit | edit source]

Adaptable Conservation Book Support Presented by Roger Williams, Book & Paper Conservator, Northwestern University Libraries at the 48th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.
Image Gallery

2019 Tips Session - 47th AIC Annual Meeting, New England[edit | edit source]

Hot Gellan Gum for Hide Glue Removal (Melina Avery)[edit | edit source]

Hot Gellan Gum for Hide Glue Removal Presented by Melina Avery, Conservator, University of Chicago Library, at the 47th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.
Image Gallery

Warmed Gellan Gum and Enzymes for Adhesive Reduction (Madison Brockman and Michelle Sullivan)[edit | edit source]

Warmed Gellan Gum and Enzymes for Adhesive Reduction Presented by Madison Brockman, Graduate Fellow, Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation, at the 47th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

A safe way to deliver an aqueous enzyme solution to a water sensitive object.

Big Book, Big Evil (Susie Cobbledick)[edit | edit source]

Big Book, Big Evil Presented by Susie Cobbledick, Book Conservator, Missouri Botanical Garden Library, at the 47th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

Describes the process of treating a very big book and the problem-solving that occurred along the way.

Universal Clip Type LED Cellphone Microscope: An Affordable, Handy Tool for any Conservator (James Davis)[edit | edit source]

Universal Clip Type LED Cellphone Microscope: An Affordable, Handy Tool for any Conservator Presented by James Davis, Director of the Bindery/ Rare Book Conservator, Charleston Library Society, at the 47th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

A small, portable, and affordable way to examine objects up close and on-the-go.
Davis. Clip on Cellphone Microscope. 2019.

Producing Nanocellulose Films for Repairs on Transparent Paper (Diane Knauf)[edit | edit source]

Producing Nanocellulose Films for Repairs on Transparent Paper Presented by Diane Knauf, Assistant Conservator, Amon Carter Museum of American Art, at the 47th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

Describes the Amon Carter Museum's process for making nanocellulose films.

Select Tips & Tricks in Paper Conservation (Frank Mowery)[edit | edit source]

Select Tips and Tricks in Paper Conservation Presented by Frank Mowery, Head of Conservation, Mowery Conservation, at the 47th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

The tips are also described in this excellent blog post by Stacey Kelly.

A New Approach to the Repair of Split Joints on Bindings (Abigail Quandt and Elisabetta Polidori)[edit | edit source]

Presented by Abigail Quandt, Head of Book and Paper Conservation, The Walters Art Museum, at the 47th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

Binding Repair Using Cerex + 2:1 Lascaux 360HV/498HV.

Favorite Features of the Menil Drawing Institute Conservation Lab (Ashley Stanford)[edit | edit source]

Favorite Features of the Menil Drawing Institute Conservation Lab Presented by Ashley Stanford, Pre-program Intern, Menil Drawing Institute, at the 47th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

Discusses various features and tools of the conservation lab that was finished in 2018.

Microscopy with Extended Depth of Field and High Dynamic Range Imaging (Brie Warren)[edit | edit source]

Microscopy with Extended Depth of Field and High Dynamic Range Imaging Presented by Brie Warren, Conservation Studio Technician, Menil Drawing Institute, at the 47th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

A description of a Meji stereomicroscope with an attachable Promicra camera tethered to a computer with QuickPro Micro 3.2 software.

Laminates for Mending Split Parchment Joints (Victoria Wong)[edit | edit source]

Laminates for Mending Split Parchment Joints Presented by Victoria Wong, Princeton University, developed during studies at WUDPAC, at the 47th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session.

Investigation into the use of lined and laminated goldbeater’s skin to repair damaged parchment bookbindings.

Image Gallery

2018 Tips Session - 46th AIC Annual Meeting, Houston, TX[edit | edit source]

Local Cleaning with Gels: Acknowledging the Challenges and Successes (Sophie Barbisan)[edit | edit source]

Local Cleaning with Gels: Acknowledging the Challenges and Successes Presented at the 46th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session Luncheon. Published in Book and Paper Group Annual 37.

Comparison of three polysaccharide gels for local treatment on paper: agarose, gellan gum, and xanthan gum.

A Hot Tip! The Use of a Soldering Iron for Conducting Polyester Encapsulation of Paper Objects (Seth Irwin)[edit | edit source]

A Hot Tip! The Use of a Soldering Iron for Conducting Polyester Encapsulation of Paper Objects. Presented at the 46th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session Luncheon. Published in Book and Paper Group Annual 37.

A versatile method of welding polyester in place of edge welder or ultrasonic welder.

Movable Pocket and Crossbar Hinge (Emily Klayman Jacobson)[edit | edit source]

Movable Pocket and Crossbar Hinge. PPresented at the 46th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session Luncheon. Published in Book and Paper Group Annual 37.

A hinge method created by former Freer|Sackler Paper Conservator Martha Smith and further refined by Emily Jacobson and Amanda Malkin. The purpose of this style of hinge is to allow an artwork to be moved from one mat to another without having to remove the old hinges and apply new ones.

Gellan Gum Tips (Susan Russick, Nicole Dobrowolski, Basia Nosek, and Roger Williams)[edit | edit source]

Gellan Gum Tips Presented by Susan Russick at the 46th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session Luncheon. Published in Book and Paper Group Annual 37.

The conservators at Northwestern University Library have developed some useful tips for working with gellan gum.

Mending Paper with the Lightest Available Japanese Tissue (Christopher Sokolowski)[edit | edit source]

Mending Paper with the Lightest Available Japanese Tissue Presented at the 46th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session Luncheon. Published in Book and Paper Group Annual 37.

Following these tips, a paper as light as 1.6g/m2 can be used as a pre-coated mending tissue, resulting in nearly invisible repairs.

Additional Images


Sokolowski precoated tissue making. March 2018. Sokolowski wetting up precoated tissue. March 2018.

Single-Day Treatment of Extremely Fractured, Varnished, Fabric-Lined Map Sections (Denise Stockman)[edit | edit source]

Single-Day Treatment of Extremely Fractured, Varnished, Fabric-Lined Map Sections Presented at the 46th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session Luncheon. Published in Book and Paper Group Annual 37.

A method for removing varnish, washing, and lining in one day using a fume hood and suction table.

Using a Compact Hanging Screen and Magnets for Temporary Installation of Oversized Unframed Works on Paper (Tina C. Tan)[edit | edit source]

Using a Compact Hanging Screen and Magnets for Temporary Installation of Oversized Unframed Works on Paper Presented at the 46th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session Luncheon. Published in Book and Paper Group Annual 37.

The paper conservators at the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (MFAH) recently devised a system to secure oversized artworks to a rolling hanging screen in their storage vault with rare earth magnets.

Minor Treatment for Chinese Folding Fans (Hsin-Chen Tsai)[edit | edit source]

Minor Treatment for Chinese Folding Fans Presented at the 46th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session Luncheon. Published in Book and Paper Group Annual 37.

This article includes an explanation of the structure of the Chinese folding fan and offers a tip to mend the tears on the paper-based folding fans without disassembly.

Tsai Minor Treatment for Chinese Folding Fans

Enhancing Watermark Images: A Photoshop Method (Claire Valero)[edit | edit source]


Handout: "Enhancing Watermark Images: A Photoshop Method" Copies distributed during Tips Session.
Article: Enhancing Watermark Images: A Photoshop Method Presented at the 46th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session Luncheon. Published in Book and Paper Group Annual 37.

Laid Paper

Wove Paper

Videos of Enhancement Process on Laid Paper

Step 1 of 2 Step 2 of 2

Videos of Enhancement Process on Wove Paper

Step 1 of 2 Step 2 of 2

Shimbari at the Book Conservator’s Bench (Roger S. Williams)[edit | edit source]

Shimbari at the Book Conservator’s Bench Presented at the 46th AIC Annual Meeting as part of the BPG Tips Session Luncheon. To be published in the forthcoming Book and Paper Group Annual 37.

Tips for using Shimbari sticks to apply localized pressure in book conservation.

2016 Tips Session - 44th AIC Annual Meeting/42nd CAC Conference, Montreal, QC, CAN[edit | edit source]

Resewing a Book In Situ (Adrienne Bell)[edit | edit source]

Bell, Adrienne. 2016. "How to Resew a Book in Situ Using Beading Wire, Floss Threaders, and Alligator Forceps". Presented at the AIC Annual Meeting, BPG Tips Session.

Microscope Bridge overall

Microscope Bridge For Oversize Paper Artifacts (Seth Irwin)[edit | edit source]

Irwin, Seth. 2016. "The Adaption of the Video Slider into a ‘Microscope Bridge' as a Practical Alternative for Using a Stereomicroscope to Examine and Treat Oversize Paper Artifacts". Presented at the AIC Annual Meeting, BPG Tips Session.
21 Additional Images of Microscope Bridge

Cost Effective Transparent Suction Platen (Seth Irwin)[edit | edit source]

Irwin, Seth. 2016. "A Clear Suction: An Easy and Cost Effective Method for Making a Transparent Suction Platen". Presented at the AIC Annual Meeting, BPG Tips Session.
Images of Suction Platen

Silicone Shapers

Silicone Shapers (Natasa Krsmanovic)[edit | edit source]

Krsmanovic, Natasa. 2016. "Silicone Shapers: A Useful Tool to Aid in the Treatment of Works of Art on Paper". Presented at the AIC Annual Meeting, BPG Tips Session.

Mounting Works on Paper Using Embedded Magnet Strips (Christina Taylor and Tina C. Tan)[edit | edit source]

Taylor, Christina and Tina C. Tan. 2016. "A Method of Mounting Works on Paper Using Embedded Magnet Strips". Presented at the AIC Annual Meeting, BPG Tips Session.

Discreet/Isolated Fills (Jodie Utter)[edit | edit source]

Utter, Jodie. 2016. "Discreet/Isolated Fills". Presented at the AIC Annual Meeting, BPG Tips Session.

The Book Halter (Renée Wolcott)[edit | edit source]

Wolcott, Renée. 2016. "The Book Halter, an Alternative to the Colibrì Book Jacket". Presented at the AIC Annual Meeting, BPG Tips Session.

2014 Tips Session - 42nd AIC Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA[edit | edit source]

Rainwater, Emily, moderator. 2014. "Book and Paper Group Tips Session 2014: Contemporary Treatment—Tips and Techniques" Book and Paper Group Annual 33.
Link to blog post on Conservators Converse

Beading: A Japanese technique used to relax laminated paper (Betsy Palmer Eldridge)[edit | edit source]

When two sheets of paper have been pasted together overall, the result is a sheet that is much thicker and stiffer than the two individuals. Ms. Eldridge described her technique of using a string of beads known as ura-suri to soften, relax, and remove cockling from the laminated paper. She forms the beads into a coil, then makes a repeated circular motion with a flat hand. During the Q&A, Rachel Freeman mentioned that marbles or a Japanese printmaking baren work well too.

Quick and Easy Plexi Paste (Cher Schneider)[edit | edit source]

Ms. Schneider developed this method for adhering two pieces of Plexiglas together to make mounts. Step 1: Collect Plexi shavings into a glass container. Step 2: Dissolve first in drops of acetone until it gets milky white, then add drops of toluene until it becomes transparent. Do not stir too much. Step 3: Apply to one side of the joint with a glass stir rod, then attach the other piece. Clear excess with a piece of matboard, then with a swab dampened with toluene. Step 4: Cure for 15-20 hours. Step 5: Clean glass tools by popping the dried Plexi paste right off. She does not recommend trying to re-use dried Plexi paste. During the Q&A, John Baty suggested a bake-out to cure the paste.

Alt Training (Beth Doyle)[edit | edit source]

After struggling with the difficulties of providing care and handling training to temporary and permanent staff and students, Beth Doyle of Duke University Libraries figured out that using social media to make short training videos on specific topics is a great way to reach everyone in a timely manner. The instagram videos are 15 seconds and the youtube videos, such as this one, are 2 minutes. If you want to make your own, she recommends using multiple paths to reach the largest audience, exploiting what each platform has to offer, reusing and recycling clips where possible, accepting that what you have is good enough, and keeping it short.
Links to online training videos

Studio-Lab Weight Sources (Stephanie Watkins)[edit | edit source]

Ms. Watkins reviewed the types of weights that conservators use, with suggestions for how to find or make your own. Because they are by nature heavy, she suggests above all that looking locally or making your own is the most cost-effective, and in the spirit of the meeting, ecologically sound. If you do have to have some weights shipped, she recommends USPS flat weight priority. Items that have been used as weights include magnets, sewing weights, scuba, exercise and fishing weights, car tire balancing weights, glass scraps, paperweights, flat irons, shoe anvils, weights manufactured by conservation suppliers, hand-crafted weights, scrap metal, and heavy items from freecycle. Home-made weight fillings include ball bearings, BB shot, coins, stones, sand, glass, beads and beans. Modifications can include polishing, covering, and adding smooth boards, felts, handles, and fabric. Form follows function, so determine the size and shape needed, then look around to see what is available. During Q&A, Denise Stockman mentioned a friend who sometimes has to travel out of the lab to do conservation work on-site brings empty containers and fills them with water for make-shift weights. Stephanie has compiled these and other ideas on the AIC Wiki page for Weights.

Diagram of hinging system by Terry Marsh

Cling and Release: Silicone Mylar+Japanese Paper+Wheat Starch Paste= A One-Step Hinge for Float Framing (Terry Marsh, read by Anisha Gupta)[edit | edit source]

This PDF ( TerryMarsh-OneStepHinge ) explains the process.

Aquazol as a Heat-set Adhesive on Paper (Adam Novak)[edit | edit source]

Mr. Novak presented two quick tips. First, he shared his recipe for heat-set tissue, based on research by Katherine Lechuga, summarized here. He makes a 6% solution of Aquazol 500 in deionized water and brushes it on very thin (2 gram) tengujo paper. After cutting the repair strip, it can be set in place temporarily using the heat of his finger. Then, he places silicone release paper over the repair and sets it with a tacking iron. (When questioned later by Sarah Reidell, he indicated that he did not know the exact temperature used with the tacking iron, but supposed that it is in the range of 150 degrees F.) The repair may look shiny in comparison with surrounding paper. If this is the case, shine can be reduced by brushing on a bit of ethanol.

pH Strips Versus pH Meters (Adam Novak)[edit | edit source]

The second tip addressed the issue of very different readings with a pH strip and a pH meter when measuring deionized water solutions buffered with calcium hydroxide. Mr. Novak has discovered that the conductivity is very low in the calcium solutions and that there is not enough ionization to get an accurate reading with the strips. This is only the case with calcium- other buffers have higher conductivity and the strips read more accurately.

Sprayer used for toning with cellulose powder

Cellulose Powder (Becca Pollak)[edit | edit source]

Ms. Pollack described her technique of spraying cellulose powder with an airbrush to minimize local discoloration on paper, cover foxing, or prepare for inpainting. She sprays the powder directly through stencils and adds pigments for toning if necessary. The basic recipe is below as a starting point, but adjustments may need to be made depending on its moisture sensitivity of an object or the desired effect. She also sprays films on Mylar and allows them to dry for future use. In that case, she sprays a layer of plain methylcellulose first to improve cohesion of the sheet.

Basic recipe:

  • Approximately 20mL 0.5-1% Methocel A4M (Ms. Pollack reports that Elissa O’Loughlin prefers 1-2% of A15C; and Jim Bernstein prefers a mixture of cellulose ethers or gelatin.)
  • 5-10mL isopropanol
  • 1g of micro-cellulose powder

Applying New Techniques On A Traditional Adhesive For Book Conservation (Marjan Anvari)[edit | edit source]

Traditional, western conservation training in book and paper conservation centers around the use of wheat starch paste. Ms. Anvari is an Iranian conservator working on middle eastern objects and decided to develop a repair adhesive based on a traditional Iranian adhesive that is also flexible and reversible in water. This adhesive, used by artists and artisans and known as ‘green paste,’ is dark yellow in color and leaves a stain, so Ms. Anvari worked to purify it, and came up with an acceptable recipe. She gave out samples at the end of the session. The paste can also be acquired from Raastak Enterprises, which can be contacted for more information.

Flattening Translucent Paper (Laura Neufeld)[edit | edit source]

Ms. Neufeld tested four techniques for flattening thin papers: Mylar flattening, the hard-soft sandwich technique, friction flattening, and edge flattening. A gampi-fibered paper was used for testing. The Mylar flattening technique, featured in the article ‘The conservation of three Whistler prints on Japanese paper’ by Catherine Nicholson, required the paper to be fully wet and gave the paper a slight sheen. The hard-soft sandwich technique, featured in the article ‘Architectural Drawings on Transparent Paper’ by Hildegard Homburger and Barbara Korbel, did not require much moisture and removed severe creases. The sandwich calls for polypropylene fleece, but Ms. Neufeld found that this can be substituted with polyethylene fleece or Gore-Tex with the fuzzy side away from the object. Friction flattening, described in the article ‘The Use of Friction Mounting as an Aid to Pressing Works on Paper‘ by Keiko Keyes, can have similar results as using a kari-bari and has been found to work well on both old master and Japanese prints. She found edge flattening to be the most difficult. This slide (Flattening_Slide) shows the results in normal and raking illumination.

Tek-Wipe in Conservation (Gwenanne Edwards)[edit | edit source]

Ms. Edwards presented on common uses for Tek-Wipe in paper conservation including capillary washing, slant washing, suction washing, drying and flattening, and in emergency response. She recommended this material because it is highly absorbent, strong, reusable, machine-washable, dimensionably-stable, you can vary the saturation, it pulls discoloration out well, it is safe with solvents, and it is significantly less expensive than blotter. Ms. Edward's handout reviews the uses for this material and provides information about suppliers.

The blog post on Conservators Converse captured the discussion that followed:

"They are available from a number of sources under various trade names, such as Texwipe or Technicloth. The overwhelming majority of commenters at the end of the session wanted to talk about Tek-wipes and other blotter replacements. Seth Irwin uses them to pull tidelines from paper using a tacking iron. Betsy Palmer Eldridge suggested that they would work in some of the drying techniques tested by Laura Neufeld (above.) In Australia, they use bamboo felt and interfacing in place of blotters. Bill Minter said that Christine Smith uses bath towels. Anna Friedman uses Sham-wow (warning: this link takes you to the company page with a video commercial)."

Slide showing placement of rare earth magnet in chamber

Rare Earth Magnets to Make Solvent Chambers (Anne Marigza)[edit | edit source]

Ms. Marigza uses rare earth magnets in a solvent chamber. One on either side of the inverted glass or Mylar container will hold the solvent-saturated blotter (or other absorbent material) in place. The magnet can be discarded when it becomes powdery.

Illustration of Bill Minter's rolled paper flattening system

Flattening Rolled Drawings for Digitization (Bill Minter)[edit | edit source]

Mr. Minter developed a method for flattening architectural drawings by reverse-rolling. He places a cardboard tube at the edge of the table with an attached paper extension hanging down to the floor. He places the leading edge of the drawing in the roller, then rolls it the opposite way and lets it sit for a day. When unrolled, it lays flat enough for digitization.

Velcro for Phase-Boxes (Bill Minter)[edit | edit source]

Do you find your velcro hooks and loops to be too strongly attached to each other that they do not pull apart easily? Mr. Minter has discovered a less aggressive velcro. Instead of being labelled as such, the only way to distinguish is that the box is marked ‘clear.’ It comes in strips, discs, or rectangles.

Samples of dry-tear screens

Dry-Tearing of Paper for Infills (Bill Minter)[edit | edit source]

Lay some wire mesh on a flat surface and place the infill paper on top. Run the tip of an awl, needle, or other pointed instrument along the line you want to tear. It will create a perforation that can be dry-torn. McMaster-Carr sells wire mesh different gauges and materials. Above are samples of two sizes.

Toning of Paper (Bill Minter)[edit | edit source]

The Preval sprayer works great for small paper-toning projects. Clean well after use. During the Q&A, we learned: They sell replacement valves if the ones you have get clogged. The glass jars can be saved and reused.

2013 Tips Session - 41st AIC Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana[edit | edit source]

The article in the BPG Annual includes the following tips:

A “Hot Air” Trick for Lowering ph in Aqueous Treatment (Karen Dabney)[edit | edit source]

A Papyrus Rehousing Project at Duke University Libraries (Beth Doyle)[edit | edit source]

Lascaux Linings in the Treatment of Park Plans from the Cleveland Public Library (Jamye Jamison)[edit | edit source]

Superstorms and Contemporary Disaster Preparedness and Response (Laura McCann)[edit | edit source]

Materials and Techniques for Mounts, Encapsulations, and Book Supports (Renate Mesmer)[edit | edit source]

Oil-absorbent Pads as Useful Tools for Disaster Response (Karen L. Pavelka)[edit | edit source]

Action Bias (Shelly Smith)[edit | edit source]

A Simple Suction-disk Extension for Treating Bound Items (Judith Walsh)[edit | edit source]

A Wicking System for Removal of Solvent Soluble Stains (Judith Walsh)[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

Reidell, Sarah, moderator. 2013. "Book and Paper Group Tips Session 2013: Contemporary Treatment—Tips and Techniques". Book and Paper Group Annual 32. Accessed June 6, 2016.

Various Authors. 1994. "Tips & Techniques". Book and Paper Group Annual 13. Accessed June 6, 2016.

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