Books and Paper in Historic Houses

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This page covers preservation and conservation needs specific to book and paper collections in historic house museums. The content on this page is directed toward all caretakers of historic house collections including housekeepers, technicians, conservators, archivists, collection managers, and curators.

Wiki Compilers: Michelle C. Smith
Wiki Contributors: Luisa Casella, Sue Donovan, Perrine LeSaux

Copyright 2024. The AIC Wiki is a publication of the American Institute for Conservation (AIC). It is published as a convenience for the members of AIC. Publication does not endorse nor recommend any treatments, methods, or techniques described herein. Information on researching with and citing the wiki can be found on the Reference and Bibliography Protocols page.

Cite this page:

American Institute for Conservation (AIC). "Books and Paper in Historic Houses." AIC Wiki. July 27, 2024.

Introduction[edit | edit source]

[what is a historic house museum?]

A wide range of paper-based collections in may be found in historic house museums including books, pamphlets, documents, works of art on paper (both framed and not), scrapbooks, albums, photographs (both framed and not), wallpaper, ephemera, globes, screens, shades, paperboard boxes, paper labels and linings adhered to other objects, and more.

[what is special about the historic house museum? what challenges does this setting pose that might be different from a library or museum?]

[mention "period of interpretation", reproductions, props, research use, permanent display]

This page is organized so that general topics that impact all paper-based collections in historic houses are discussed first; then, conservation needs specific to works on paper, books, and other paper-based materials are discussed in subsequent sections.

General Overview[edit | edit source]

Housekeeping[edit | edit source]

See also: Dust and Housekeeping

Agents of deterioration[edit | edit source]

See also:

Environmental monitoring[edit | edit source]

See also:

Storage and housing[edit | edit source]

See also:

Documentation[edit | edit source]

See also:

Health and safety[edit | edit source]

See also: Historic House Hazards Project

Disaster preparedness and response[edit | edit source]

Disaster plan[edit | edit source]

Supply kit[edit | edit source]

Wet salvage[edit | edit source]

See also: Stabilizing Wet Paper, Stabilizing Wet Books, and Stabilizing Wet Skin and Leather

Mold[edit | edit source]

See also: Mold

Working with a conservator[edit | edit source]

Works on paper[edit | edit source]

Housekeeping and preventive care[edit | edit source]

Conservation treatment[edit | edit source]

Factors to consider[edit | edit source]

Matting and framing[edit | edit source]

Adapting old mats and frames[edit | edit source]

See: BPG Matting and Framing § Adapting Old Mats and Frames

Precautions for uncontrolled environments[edit | edit source]

See: BPG Matting and Framing § Precautions for Uncontrolled Environments

Reproductions/facsimiles[edit | edit source]

Factors to consider[edit | edit source]

Production[edit | edit source]

Care and maintenance[edit | edit source]

Storing originals[edit | edit source]

Interactive facsimiles[edit | edit source]

Books[edit | edit source]

Housekeeping and preventive care[edit | edit source]

Conservation treatment[edit | edit source]

Factors to consider[edit | edit source]

[discuss batch treatment with focus on spine appearance]

Materials[edit | edit source]

[discuss adhesive choices (think about softening in warmer temperatures; books might stick in packed shelving, etc.)]

Housing[edit | edit source]

[discuss “invisible” housing options such as the book shoe]

Interactions of books and bookshelves[edit | edit source]

[when shelving damages books/when books damage shelving; microclimates]

Reproductions/facsimiles[edit | edit source]

For books on permanent display[edit | edit source]

Factors to consider[edit | edit source]
Production[edit | edit source]
Care and maintenance[edit | edit source]
Storing originals[edit | edit source]

Interactive facsimiles[edit | edit source]

Partial reproductions of book components[edit | edit source]

Security[edit | edit source]

See also: Guideline 10.4: Extra precautions are taken to protect objects when open display is unavoidable

[discuss furniture modification (cabinet doors or glass covers)]

Research use[edit | edit source]

Other paper-based materials[edit | edit source]

Wallpaper[edit | edit source]

See also: BPG Support Problems § Wallpaper

Conservation treatment[edit | edit source]

[discuss cautions around removal]

Reproductions[edit | edit source]

Globes[edit | edit source]

See also: BPG Support Problems § Globes

Paper screens[edit | edit source]

Paperboard boxes[edit | edit source]

Paper linings in trunks and boxes[edit | edit source]

Paper labels adhered to objects[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

Bibliography[edit | edit source]

Further reading[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]

History of this page[edit | edit source]

This page was created in July 2024 following the BPG Wiki Discussion session on this topic at the 2024 AIC Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Book and Paper Group Wiki
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Examination, Documentation, and Analysis

Glossary of Terms · Visual Examination · Written Documentation · Documentation of Books · Watermarks · Fiber Identification · Spot Tests · Analytical Techniques (PSG) · Non-destructive Testing and Instrumental Analysis (PMG) · Oddy Tests (R&A) · Microchemical Testing (R&A)


Selection for Preservation · Exhibition, Supports, and Transport · Choosing Materials for Storage, Exhibition & Transport (AIC) · Imaging and Digitization · Housings · Matting and Framing · Encapsulation · Collection Care (AIC) · Integrated Pest Management (AIC) · Environmental Guidelines (AIC) · Environmental Monitoring (AIC) · Agents of Deterioration (AIC) · Light (AIC) · Pollutants (AIC)

Disaster Recovery

Emergency Preparedness & Response (AIC) · Stabilizing Wet Paper (AIC) · Stabilizing Wet Books (AIC) · Stabilizing Wet Skin and Leather (AIC) · Mold

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Book Conservation Topics
Structural Elements of the Book

Endpapers · Endbands · Sewing and Leaf Attachment · Book Boards · Board Attachment · Book Decoration · Fastenings and Furniture

Covering Materials

Animal Skin and Leather · Cloth Bookbinding · Paper Bookbinding · Parchment Bookbinding

Treatment Techniques

Washing of Books · Alkalinization of Books · Leaf Attachment and Sewing Repair · Board Reattachment · Use of Leather in Book Conservation

Bookbinding Traditions

Bookbinding Traditions by Region or Culture · East Asian Book Formats · Ethiopian Bindings · Greek-Style Bindings · Western African Books and Manuscripts

Specialized Formats

Scrapbooks · Atlases, Foldouts, and Guarded Structures· Artists' Books

Circulating Collections

Circulating Collections · Case Binding