
From MediaWiki

NLockshin is the user name for Nora Lockshin. Nora is the Senior Conservator at the Smithsonian Institution Archives, which she joined in 2003, after her third year internship at the American Museum of Natural History. She is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin's GSLIS Preservation and Conservation Studies (2002) program (now: iSchool, Preservation Studies) and the Rhode Island School of Design. Previously, she worked in both Object Conservation and Book Conservation departments at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. She is a member of the Guild of Book Workers, and Web Binder for its Potomac Chapter. Washington Conservation Guild, and a Professional Associate of the American Institute for Conservation.

She was introduced to Wikipedia editing through the work of a Smithsonian Resident Wikimedian, and occasionally participates in GLAMwiki, writes other contributions under the handle noranoodle and is pleased to be doing so for AIC and happy to lend a virtual hand to any interested parties.

Current focus project on AICWiki includes: Exhibition, Supports, Transport (under revision with a group), Scrapbooks, Mountmaking (use of Magnet Mounts), and see also: Recent contributions