Katherine Kelly is a Senior Book Conservator at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. Previously, she has worked at the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, the National Archives, Iowa State University, Harvard University, and Cornell University. She received her MS in Information Studies and Certificate of Advanced Study in Conservation of Library and Archival Materials from the University of Texas at Austin in 2007.
From 2012-2014, Katherine was part of the Wiki Working Group. In 2014, she became compiler for two pages, Mold and a new page on Scrapbooks. In 2019, she became the compiler for a new page on the Use of Leather in Book Conservation. From 2016-2020, Katherine was the Book Conservation Wiki Coordinator. She continues to work on the wiki in a less formal capacity.
In 2021, she became compiler for Endpapers and for a new page on Atlases, Foldouts, and Guarded Structures.
The rest of this page is a sandboxing area where I collect my incomplete thoughts about future content for the wiki. It is, therefore, poorly curated.
Caoutchouc Bindings[edit | edit source]
content moved to new page on Caoutchouc Bindings
Update links in these pages:
- Make a subheading for caoutchouc bindings under Adhesive Bindings on BPG Sewing and Leaf Attachment, and add some of the content below.
- Add links to the BPG Scrapbooks page
- Add some of the content below to the BPG Leaf Attachment and Sewing Repair page, the section on Sewing Structures: Adhesive
My List of Useful Links[edit | edit source]
- Lexicon term: surface cleaning
- Lexicon term: scrapbook
- Template:BPGPortal
- Template:BPGPortalCollapsible
- Look more at this:
Photo Gallery[edit | edit source]
Here are some images that I may use someday in the wiki - please feel free to use them yourself, but I would appreciate a heads-up.
Images from Roberts and Etherington[edit | edit source]
The following images are from:
- Roberts, Matt T. and Don Etherington. Drawings by Margaret R. Brown. 1982. Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books: A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology. Washington D.C. : Library of Congress.
Versions of these images can be found online at, but they were not very good quality. In 2020-2021 I rescanned the images from a paper copy and uploaded them to the wiki. As a U.S. Government work, they are in the public domain and are not covered by copyright. Please use them freely across the wiki, with the above citation where appropriate.
Tips/Examples on Wiki Formatting[edit | edit source]
I should move some of this stuff to Wiki:Community portal
Translation/Language Options[edit | edit source]
testing out the concept...
干燥与平整 (cut and paste from another document)
示例文字为中文,输入google翻译。 (Sample text in chinese language, typed into google translate.)
Table of Contents Options[edit | edit source]
Health & Safety has a TOC off to the side...
photo display: gallery format with captions[edit | edit source]
photo display: stand-alone with caption[edit | edit source]
photo display: two photos paired to the right[edit | edit source]
Thread passes through the sections, and the supports extend past the spine and are used to secure the boards. This structure, found on Gothic bindings, is the same as that for Romanesque bindings, except that the tab lining is usually omitted. Described and illustrated by Szirmai in his chapter on Gothic bindings (1999, Type II, Figure 9.21a, 203-216). Thread passes through the sections, and the supports extend past the spine and are used to secure the boards. This structure, found on Gothic bindings, is the same as that for Romanesque bindings, except that the tab lining is usually omitted. Described and illustrated by Szirmai in his chapter on Gothic bindings (1999, Type II, Figure 9.21a, 203-216).
Videos[edit | edit source]
Vimeo[edit | edit source]
The code from Diane {{#widget:Vimeo|id=205956398|width=500}}
Attempting to embed
YouTube[edit | edit source]
The Book and Paper Group Wiki YouTube Channel
Replaced by the AIC YouTube Channel
Embedded a single video:
Embedding two videos next to each other:
Sokolowski precoated tissue making. March 2018. | Sokolowski wetting up precoated tissue. March 2018. |
Embedding a playlist:
used in book and paper conservation.
Playlists on the AIC YouTube Channel, administered by the BPG Wiki Coordinators.
- BPG Wiki
- Imaging and Digitization (BPG Wiki)
- Exhibition, Supports, Transport (BPG Wiki)
- [ Enhancing Watermark Images (BPG Wiki)
- Adhesives for Paper (BPG Wiki)
- Paper Conservation Techniques (BPG Wiki)
- Materials and Tools (BPG Wiki)
- Book and Paper Emergency Response (BPG Wiki)
- Media on Paper (BPG Wiki)
- Conservation Lab Tours (BPG Wiki)
link to a pdf hosted on the wiki[edit | edit source]
link to page with link to pdf:
title of handout
link directly to pdf:
title of handout
Horton, Richard 2000. “Glossary of Terms Relating to Photo Albums” in Conservation of Scrapbooks and Albums: Postprints of the Book and Paper Group/Photographic Materials Group Joint Session at the 27th Annual Meeting of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works. 21-28. AIC, Washington, DC.
- Translate this advice on optimizing pdfs for our users.
useful places where I learned wiki editing[edit | edit source]
Hex Codes for Colors
How to Embed YouTube Playlists
Goals and Wish Lists[edit | edit source]
AIC Wiki Goals[edit | edit source]
Suggestions have been moved to Wiki:Community portal
Suggestions for Discussion Topics with SG Wiki heads[edit | edit source]
Help:Template for new Chapter - rename, suggest BPG's template as the new standard.
BPG Wiki Goals[edit | edit source]
- sort out categories/breadcrumbs and apply across BPG Wiki
- Finish this history of the book conservation catalog.
- Kill off "catalog" and "catalogue"
Technical Investigations and Fixes[edit | edit source]
- research formatting options for the autogenerated table of contents. (at the top, off to the side, limiting depth of detail?)
- replace link-to-page-with-link-to-pdf with link-to-pdf for all pdfs.
- Fix format of portal so it looks better and more even (check against variable screen sizes, browsers, pc vs. mobile)
BPG Wish list for content[edit | edit source]
File:VanDykeFig1.jpg File:VanDykeFig2.jpg File:VanDykeFig3.jpg
Some ideas for my wiki retirement: put all the ideas collected below into useful places on the wiki.
- Add images scanned by Stephon B.
- work on the initials in those Book pages
- clean up Leaf attachment and sewing repair page (K can start this)
- Format headers, bibliography, add links to other pages
- Michelle and Katherine will think about desiderata for page.
Suggested addition to Parchment Bookbinding: Rehumidification of splayed parchment bookbindings can be performed by slowly adding weight or restraint in slightly elevated RH, over many months. This can allow a book to be safely reshaped in its storage environment if the summer humidity is tends to be high, but is still within normal library limits.
Add discussion of using foamed cleaners for cleaning BPG Parchment Bookbinding or Leather, See recipe in this book: Add a caution about avoiding Triton X, link to Sustainable Solvent Use for explanation.
Romanesque Wooden Boards Binding[edit | edit source]
Gothic Wooden Boards Binding[edit | edit source]
Edward Cheese. 2016. "Rebinding MS 251." Series of blog posts from the Fitzwilliam Museum.
Arthur Green. 2021. "A Gothic exposed wooden-board binding." YouTube video of a lecture on the repair and rebinding of an early printed book. Society of Bookbinders on 12th June 2021
Shaun Thompson. 2017. "Rebinding the Red Book of Thorney." Blog post, Cambridge University Library Special Collections.
Decorative Paper[edit | edit source]
start with everything from this page:
Historical Binding Resources[edit | edit source]
Husby, Scott. 2007; updates: 2008, 2009. Bookbindings on Incunables in American Libraries: An Illustrated Census. Website hosted by the Bibliographical Society of America . Last updated March 2016. Accessed May 12, 2017.
Kroupa, Sandra, Katie Blake and Johanna Burgess. 2006-2007. Decorated and Decorative Paper Collection. University of Washington Libraries.
- An online resource on historical decorated paper, including marbled paper patterns and paste paper patterns.
Miller, Julia. 2014. Books Will Speak Plain: a Handbook for Identifying and Describing Historical Bindings. 2nd ed. Ann Arbor, Mich. : Legacy Press.
- The first edition was published in 2010. The second edition, published in 2014, contains a new section about early canvas bindings, and additional images have been added to the book and CD. This book provides an excellent introduction to Western book binding styles, and is particularly notable for the wealth of bibliographic references to explore topics in greater depth, the attention paid to the more prosaic bindings of various time periods, and the great color images on the accompanying CD. Interesting discussion of "folk mends" or "folk repairs" (p.246-7).
Miller, Julia, ed. 2013 and ??. Suave Mechanicals : Essays on the History of Bookbinding. Ann Arbor, Mich. : Legacy Press. volume 1 and 2.
- Contents: v.1. Historical repair, recycling, and recovering phenomena in the Islamic bindings of the University of Michigan Library : exploring the codicological evidence / Evyn Kropf -- Protection against the evil eye? : votive offerings on Armenian manuscript bindings / Sylvie R. Merian -- Colonial blankbooks in the Winterthur Library / Consuela G. Metzger -- A primer on signed bindings / Robert J. Milevski -- Not just another beautiful book : a typology of American scaleboard bindings / Julia Miller -- Beating, rolling, and pressing : the compression of signatures in bookbinding prior to sewing / Jeffrey S. Peachey -- European influence in the binding of Mexican printed books of the sixteenth century / Martha E. Romero -- Papier-mâché bindings: "shining in black and gorgeous with pearl and gold" / Jennifer W. Rosner -- The 1715 Mohawk prayer book : a study of six copies in colonial American scaleboard bindings / John Townsend -- Author biographies ---
Pickwoad, Nicholas. 1994. "Onward and Downward: How Binders Coped with the Printing Press Before 1800." In Myers and Harris, A Millennium of the Book. Delaware : Oak Knoll Press.
Princeton University Library. Hand BookBindings. Website. Accessed January 13, 2017.
- Has sections illustrating ...
University of Alabama. 2005. Publishers' Bindings Online, 1815-1930: The Art of Books (PBO). Website hosted by the University of Alabama.
British Library - Database of Bookbindings.
Folger Shakespeare Library. LUNA: Folger Bindings Image Collection.
- Searchable database of bookbindings with images.
Walters Art Museum. Online Collection of Manuscripts.
- Searchable database of manuscripts. Includes images of book covers and binding descriptions.
- An online database of historical bookbindings and bookbinding tools. In German. Useful for identifying binder and binding location.
Other[edit | edit source]
- Douma, Michael, curator. "Pigments through the Ages." (2008). Accessed June 21, 2019.
- look at Storage Techniques for Art, Science, and History (STASH) and highlight good articles on the BPG Housings page (and debate whether AIC needs to support 2 overlapping housings pages...)
- image of front bead and back bead end bands (for lexicon?)
- Lockshin cradle video
- pdf optimization tips (OCR text and add title and author) (see here)
- agarose gel recipe: To make a 3% agarose gel: Mix 4.5g Benchmark Agarose LE with 150mL deionized water. Heat on high in microwave for 2-3 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds until clear and no longer grainy. Air bubbles are normal. Pour out onto a flat glass tray to desired thickness and let set in refrigerator for 1 hour(?).
- Update the Visual Examination Chapter of the PCC to discuss UV, IR, etc. photography. See Discussion page for notes about collaborating with PMG folks...
- improve washing page
Bibliography from Gels presentation at AIC Annual 2016 (Hughes and Sullivan or was it Leroux?)
- Bogaard, John; Whitmore, Paul M. 2001. "Effects of Dilute Calcium Washing Treatments on Paper". Journal of the American Institute for Conservation. 40:2. BCIN.
- Scallan, A.M. 1990. "The pH Inside the Fibre Wall". In: Cellulose Sources and Exploitation. (J.F. Kennedy, G.O. Philips, P.A. Williams eds.). New York: John Wiley and Sons. 211-215.
- Tse, Season. 2001. "Effect of water washing on paper and cellulosic textiles: an overview and update of CCI research". The Book and Paper Group Annual 20.
History of Conservation Labs[edit | edit source]
Use this to add to this (LC Conservation Lab History): Harris, Kenneth E. and Susan E. Schur. October 2006. "A Brief History of Preservation and Conservation at the Library of Congress." Available on the Library of Congress, Preservation Directorate website. Accessed June 23, 2017.
Also this: for Harvard
Examination[edit | edit source]
Baker, Cathleen A. 1985. "A Comparison of Drawing Inks Using Ultraviolet and Infrared Examination Techniques." In Application of Science in Examination of Works of Art, ed. by Pamela A. England and Lambertus van Zelst, 159-163. Boston: Museum of Fine Art.
- Iron gall ink and carbon black ink can be distinguished under IR illumination. IGI is faint, carbon-based inks are dark.
Covering in Alum Tawed Skin[edit | edit source]
- Reviewed in Guild of Book Workers Newsletter.
15th & 16th Century Alum Taw Bindings - Don Etherington
- Reviewed in Guild of Book Workers Newsletter.
- Hand
- Handout available on GBW website
Paper[edit | edit source]
Baker, Cathleen A. 2010. From the Hand to the Machine: Nineteenth-century American paper and mediums: technologies, materials, and conservation. Ann Arbor, Michigan: The Legacy Press.
Paper[edit | edit source]
Separate BPG Paper Bookbinding into 2 chapters: Decorative Paper (used in Book Binding and Book Conservation) and Paper Case Binding. Under the first, put these resources*
- Marbled Paper
- Paste Paper (see UW website for descriptive vocabulary and examples)
- Printed Paper
Resources[edit | edit source]
- Hall, Lili. 2011. "Paste Paper Tutorial". in Lili's Bookbinding Blog.
- Hébert, Henry. 2010. "Paste Papers". Entry on Work of the Hand blog. Accessed March 22, 2018.
- Loring, Rosamond. 1942. Decorated book papers: being an account of their designs and fashions. Cambridge, Department of printing and graphic arts, Harvard College Library
- The 1942 edition includes samples of various marbled, paste, and other decorative papers.
- Kromp, Daniela. [2018]. Buntpapier: Decorated and Decorative Papers from the 17th to the 21st century. [Catalogue #3] Part 1: The 17th and 18th century.
- Sales catalog from Rare & Unique Books in Munich, Germany showing historical decorated papers including printed decorative paper, paste paper, marbled paper, brocade paper, and embossed paper. Contains many color illustrations. In German, with short English descriptions at the bottom of each text. Great visual resource for paper decoration.
- Maurer-Mathison, Diane. 2002. Art of making paste papers. New York : Watson-Guptill Publications.
- Instructions and inspiration for making a wide variety of paste paper designs.
- The National Library of the Netherlands (Koninklijke Bibliotheek). "Decorated paper". Accessed March 22, 2018.
- Good visual resource for marbled, paste, and other decorative papers.
- University of Washington. "Decorated and Decorative Paper Collection"
Mold[edit | edit source]
- Continue to build the Mold Recovery and Response (latest draft on the talk page)
Verdigris[edit | edit source]
Carlson, Lage. 1997. "An Interim Treatment for Paper Degraded by Verdigris." The Book and Paper Group Annual 16.
Maitland, Crystal. 2009. "Where Archival and Fine Art Conservation Meet: Applying Iron Gall Ink Antioxidant and Deacidification Treatments to Corrosive Copper Watercolors .The Book and Paper Group Annual 28.
multiple authors. 2012. "Treatment Considerations for the Haggadah Prayer Book: Evaluation of Two Antioxidants for Treatment of Copper-Containing Inks and Colorants .The Book and Paper Group Annual 31.
Iron-Gall Ink[edit | edit source]
This would be an excellent call for content, either as part of BPG Media Problems, or as a stand alone page. Start with the citations below, add annotations. Perhaps we should also have a parallel page on copper corrosion (verdigris).
...everything else moved to IGI page...
Neevel, Johan G. 2009. "Application issues of the bathophenanthroline test for iron(II) ions." Restaurator.
- This article (sent out in a June BPG listserve announcement) recommends the use this iron(II) indicator paper as a testing method. (after a quick read, it is not clear to me if the author is advocating for a required post-testing treatment at the testing spot, or the follow up test of the indicator paper, using a reducing agent...-K)
Some other thoughts: search terms should include "iron gall ink" and "iron-gall ink". The hyphen is preferred.
Review search results for iron gall on the wiki and make cross-links.
Leather Tanning Methods[edit | edit source]
Dolph, Brittany, Geneva Griswold, and Madeleine Neiman. 2013. "Mending Moccasins: Tear Repair of Brain-tanned Hide Objects." Poster presented at the 2013 ANAGPIC conference.
- No information about identification, but some interesting discussion of mending concerns./techniques/adhesives for moccasins.
Bruno P. Pouliot, Dr. Jennifer Mass, Lara Kaplan. 2015. “Using XRF for the Identification of Chrome Tanning in Leather.” Poster presented at American Institute for Conservation 43rd Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida.
- “XRF can rapidly, effectively, and nondestructively identify chrome tanned leathers.” They tested a variety of brain tanned leather, but it does not seem that XRF was a useful distinguishing technique.
Cellulose Acetate Delamination[edit | edit source]
brief mention in BPG Hinge, Tape, and Adhesive Removal : "A technique that is especially good for cellulose acetate delamination, but may also be effective for large quantities of transparent tape adhesive residues is 4 to 7 “baths” in acetone with a final “bath” in ethanol to “rinse” before aqueous treatment. (SD)
Also in lamination in BPG Glossary of Terms
Page, Susan. 2003. "Cellulose Acetate Lamination at the National Archives, Part 1: The Louisiana Purchase Documents, a Case Study". Book and Paper Group Annual 22. Accessed June 7, 2016.
- Describes a treatment of early 19th century documents at the National Archives. Delamination was achieved with in a series of 3:1 acetone:water baths. Water was a necessary addition because of the degradation of the cellulose acetate.
Ormsby, Mark. 2003. Cellulose Acetate Lamination at the National Archives Part 2: Analysis of Laminated Documents Using Solid-Phase Microextraction". Book and Paper Group Annual 22. Accessed June 7, 2016.
McGath, Molly, Sonja Jordan Mowery, John Baty, and Mark Pollei. "Cellulose Acetate Lamination: Method and Madness". Gordon Research Conference: Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research, Newry, Maine, July 27 – August 1, 2014.
Cellulose Acetate Lamination: A Literature Review and Survey of Paper-Based Collections in the United States, Restaurator, 36(4), 333-365, 2015
Library of Congress Preservation Directorate. "Treatment Evaluations: Cellulose Acetate Laminates".
Various authors. n.d. "Guidelines for the Care of Works on Paper With Cellulose Acetate Lamination". Artwork Preservation Project Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution.
Look at these: Stiber, L. 1988. The delamination of the Washington and Lee ledger: part I: An overview of cellulose acetate lamination. In Occasional papers #6, Early advances in conservation ed. Vincent Daniels. 27–40.
McGath, M.; Jordan-Mowery, S.; Pollei, M.; Heslip, S.; Baty, J.: Cellulose Acetate Lamination: A Literature Review and Survey of Paper-Based Collections in the United States, Restaurator, 36(4), 333-365, 2015
Atlases and Foldouts[edit | edit source]
See new page in development: BPG Atlases, Foldouts, and Guarded Structures
Conservation of Oversize Books[edit | edit source]
Avery, Melina and Ann Lindsey. 2019. "Repairing a 52-Pound Antiphonary at the University of Chicago." The Book and Paper Group Annual 38.
- Includes a description of fabricating book conservation equipment to fit a very oversize parchment manuscript volume.
Mayberger, Evelyn, Betty Fiske, Michaelle Biddle, and Abigail Quandt. 2011. "Treatment of an Oversize Rare Book: Research and Decisions on Rebinding" The Book and Paper Group Annual 30.
Peachey, Jeff. 2019. "A Simple Fixture to Hold Leaves Upright on a Sewing Frame." Blog post about sewing oversize books.
Covering in Full Leather[edit | edit source]
Anderson, Priscilla. 2005. "Covering in Leather: Mark Esser". The Guild of Book Workers Journal 40 (1). 27-39. Accessed September 7, 2016.
- Recap of a presentation given by Mark Esser at GBW Standards Seminar in Denver in 2003. Many useful tips on full leather binding. Illustrations by Sylvia Ramos Alotta.
Historical Treatments[edit | edit source]
Iron Gall Ink Stabilization or Regeneration
- Reissland, Birgit. 1997. "Conservation - Early methods 1890-1960." Iron Gall Ink Website.
Potassium Permangenate as a bleach
Cellulose Acetate Lamination
- Krueger, Holly. 2003. "Magnesium Revisited" Book and Paper Group Annual 22.
- In addition to.... this article reviews the history of lamination at the Library of Congress from the 1940s to the 1960s and the reasons for its abandonment.
- McGath, Molly. 2017. "Cellulose acetate lamination: history." Newsletter (Western Association for Art Conservation) 39, no. 1 (2017 Jan), pp. 16-20 [English]. 2 tables, bibliog.
- [not yet read, abstract noted on AATA]
Various Alkalinization Treatments
- That chapter of Paper and Water on deacidification
Use of PVA in enclosed containers
- leads to offgassing, ask Olivia Primanis for her example.
Move away from toxic solvents/material
- thymol, formaldahyde, MEK, Triton X. Sustainable Solvent Use
Folk Repair
- Julia Miller, in Books Will Speak Plain, describes these as "Repairs to historical bindings that appear not to have been executed by a professional binder. Such repairs are often neatly done with sympathetic materials similar to the original binding, but can also be very crude."
- Hatchfield, Pamela. “Formaldehyde: How Great is the Danger to Museum Collections. Part 2.” Art Conservation Training Programs Conference. University of Delaware, Newark, DE 1985.
Potassium Lactate
- Middleton discusses how he no longer recommends the use of potassium lactate as a treatment to protect new leather against decay caused by atmospheric pollutants. (Middleton 2004)
Cellulose Acetate Lamination
- citation
- This citation explains the historical use of cellulose acetate lamination, and its discontinuance in the early 1980s.
Bleaching with oxidizing agents like potassium permanganate and Chloramine-T (Kruth 1988).
Silking good summary of silking and lamination:
- Krueger, Holly. 2003. "Magnesium Revisited" Book and Paper Group Annual 22.
- In addition to.... this article reviews the history of silking at the Library of Congress from 1900-1940 and the reasons for its abandonment.
Humidification of Iron Gall Ink
- citation
- This citation explains the concerns with humidification of iron gall ink leading the migration of the soluble iron ions, leading to deterioration of the paper substrate.
Thymol(Kruth 1988), formaldehyde, ethylene oxide as a fumigant for mold
Pressure Sensitive Tape for paper repair
- citation
- Pressure sensitive tape, first developed in ---, is no longer recommended for mending historically important paper documents because of its tendency to yellow with age, the adhesive to migrate over time, stain the paper, weaken and fail, or chemically change so that it is no longer reversible. Even "acid-free or "archival" pressure sensitive tapes share these problems and should not be used.
Perhaps: cellulose acetate or paraffin as a fixative for media.
Bread used as a surface cleaner for paper (residue), Scum-X,
Treatments that were common restoration methods, but have generally fallen out of favor in conservation work because they can conceal or destroy the historical integrity of the object:
- filling losses with near-perfect facsimiles without discrete identification and/or full documentation of the repair
- piecing together multiple partial objects into a single complete composite.
- Trimming documents or book edges to neaten up stained or uneven edges.
There is of course, a large category of materials that have been used historically for conservation treatment that are no longer used because testing or natural aging has revealed that they do not retain the properties for which they were selected. Many materials lose strength or flexibility, change color or yellow, become less reversible, or stain. Sometimes materials are unsuitable only in specific combinations (e.g. silver tarnishes in proximity to...)
References[edit | edit source]
- Kruth, Leslie M. 1988. "A Survey of Recent Scientific Research which has Caused a Re-evaluation of Commonly Used Practices in Book and Paper Conservation". Book and Paper Group Annual 7.
- Middleton, Bernard. 2004. The Restoration of Leather Bindings. Oak Knoll Press. 4th edition. p.58.
To be reviewed: Ted Stanley (1994) The Fraktur: Its History and a Conservation Case Study, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 33:1, 33-45, DOI: 10.1179/019713694806066400
- talks about Yes paste and other older treatments used at LC (Soluble nylon)
(rebinding non-western binding into western format)
Overview texts:
Nordstrand OK (1987) The conservation treatment of paper. Restaur 8:133-139
My Complaints about Ligatus[edit | edit source]
- no useful way to talk about scrapbooks
- endband terminology is confusing
- I and several key authors disagree with Ligatus about Kapitalbunde being endbands
- Overcasting, but not oversewing
- sewing-support-type secondary stitching should also talk about Julia Miller's observations about scaleboard bindings
- Personally, I prefer fore edge, not fore-edge
- Why is everything plural?
Pages I think are dead and should be deleted or cleared[edit | edit source]
I looked through orphaned pages for BPG content.
Use this code when you delete things that might need links:
- CH 22 Test
- Contribute
- Get Involved
- Wiki templates
- Template:Consult_with_compilers_before_editing
- Template:Open_for_general_editing
- Template:BCC-PCC-copyright
- BPG Iron Gall ink - maybe check with Denise first?
- Original PCC - I'd forgotten that I made this page. Its one advantage is that it has the PDF versions of the original PCC chapters, hosted on the wiki, not on CoOL. Do we want to save those?
- Wiki templates - Maybe copy some of the content over to our community guidelines?
To be deleted when Michelle is ready:
Collapsible Content[edit | edit source]
The header | remains visible |
This content | is hidden |
at first | load time |
[edit | edit source]
Book and Paper Group Wiki List of Chapters... | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Book and Paper Group Wiki | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Using the Wiki |
text | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Materials and Tips |
text | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Preservation |
text | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Paper Conservation Topics | |
Supports |
Paper Supports · Papyrus · Parchment · Support Problems · Foxing |
Media | |
Treatment Techniques |
Surface Cleaning · Hinge, Tape, and Adhesive Removal · Washing · Sizing and Resizing · Bleaching · Enzymes · Chelating Agents · Alkalization and Neutralization · Humidification · Consolidation, Fixing, and Facing · Backing Removal · Mending · Filling of Losses · Drying and Flattening · Lining · Inpainting |
Specialized Formats |
Book Conservation Topics | |
Structural Elements of the Book |
Endpapers · Endbands · Sewing and Leaf Attachment · Book Boards · Board Attachment · Book Decoration · Fastenings and Furniture |
Covering Materials |
Animal Skin and Leather · Cloth Bookbinding · Paper Bookbinding · Parchment Bookbinding |
Treatment Techniques |
Washing of Books · Alkalinization of Books · Leaf Attachment and Sewing Repair · Board Reattachment · Use of Leather in Book Conservation |
Bookbinding Traditions |
Bookbinding Traditions by Region or Culture · East Asian Book Formats · Ethiopian Bindings · Greek-Style Bindings · Western African Books and Manuscripts |
Specialized Formats |
Scrapbooks · Atlases, Foldouts, and Guarded Structures · Artists' Books · Caoutchouc Bindings |
Circulating Collections |