PMG Kent Workshops
Page Information | |
Date initiated | February 2025 |
Page Compiler | Luisa Casella |
Contributors |
Kent Workshops Description[edit | edit source]
The Kent Workshops were a series of gatherings organized by José Orraca at his private conservation studio in Kent, NY.
These were events where a small group of photograph conservators (around 15, selected by application or invitation) would present their experiences on a specific topic and the group would experiment with different treatment techniques.
Many of these resulted in a binder with bibliography or texts created by participants for the purpose of the workshop. They were informal in nature but fostered important collaborations and areas of research.
Timeline[edit | edit source]
Year | Topic |
1993 | Unmounting and mounting photographs |
1995 | Ethics and practice of cosmetic treatments in the conservation of photographs |
1996 | Conservation of cased photographs |
1997 | Hands-on treatment of photographs, led by Gary Albright |
1998 | Coatings |
1999 | Chemical treatment of photographic materials |
2000 | Selected topics in the preservation and conservation of contemporary photography |
2001 | Variety of topics related to treatment (gelatin flattening, ferrotyping, retouching, flattening, intensification, false-margin mounting) |
2003 | Kent Workshops past, present and future |
2004 | Mounting and silver mirroring removal |
References[edit | edit source]
Copyright 2025. Photographic Materials Group Wiki is a publication of the Photographic Materials Group of the American Institute for Conservation. It is published as a convenience for the members of thePhotographic Materials Group. Publication does not endorse nor recommend any treatments, methods, or techniques described herein. Please follow PMG Wiki guidelines for citing PMG Wiki content, keeping in mind that it is a work in progress and is frequently updated.
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