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مصطلح یطلق علي اتجاھات المبني الأثري وتاریخھ
bronze disease = مرض البرونز
The Soldiers and Sailors Memorial is a granite sculpture depicting an nude male holding a sword pointed vertically downward in his right hand, kneeling with his right knee raised. A shield sits behind the figure. The sculpture sits atop a square base which, on the front, bears the inscription, “They shall not grow old as we that are left grow. Old age shall not weary them nor the years condemn at the going down of the sum and in the morning we will remember them”. The sculpture is also known as Youth Triumphant and the World War I Monument.
Historical Information[edit | edit source]
Sixteen teams sculptors and architects competed to design this work for the city of Barre in 1921. The judges were Chester H. Aldrich, Charles A. Platt and Charles Keck. Sculptor C. Paul Jennewein and architect John Mead Howells won the competition and were awarded a $6,000 prize, funded by local quarry owners. The city of Barre contributed $60,000 towards the fabrication of the monument.
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