TSG:Wrapping Stitch

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WRAPPING STITCH[edit | edit source]


Other names[edit | edit source]

Figure 8 Wrapping Stitch

Directions[edit | edit source]

Begin and end rows of stitches in a stable area of the textile. Bring needle out to the front side at 1 and weave across the yarns, going over and under alternate yarns. Wrap the thread around the last yarn at 2 and weave it back into the textile. On the return row, insert the needle over and under opposite yarns than in the previous row.

Comments[edit | edit source]

This stitch is one of the first treatments undertaken when selvedges or ends begin to deteriorate. It may be used to secure two or more yarns.

Possible uses for this stitch[edit | edit source]

Finishing and Stabilizing Edges
Reinforcing Selvedges

Copyright: 2025. The Textile Wiki pages are a publication of the Textile Specialty Group of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works.