TSG:Tapestry Overcast Stitch

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TAPESTRY OVERCAST STITCH[edit | edit source]

Other names[edit | edit source]

Slit Stitch

Appearance on reverse is shown in oval inset. NOTE: Warp yarns are horizontal in this diagram.

Directions[edit | edit source]

Bring needle out to the front side at 1, one warp over from slit edge. Bring thread across slit in a straight line to far side of adjacent warp, insert needle through to the reverse side at 2. Cross slit in the opposite direction, move away slightly from first stitch, and bring needle out to the front side at 3 to begin the next stitch. Repeat.

Comments[edit | edit source]

This is used on slits that were originally overcast.

Possible uses for this stitch[edit | edit source]

Closing Slits

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