TSG:Ladder Stitch

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LADDER STITCH[edit | edit source]

NOTE: Warp yarns are horizontal in this diagram.

Directions[edit | edit source]

Work from reverse side of the textile. At least two inches beyond the area of deterioration, insert needle through the reverse side of the knots (or through wefts), exiting at the edge of the textile at 1. Bypassing two warps, insert needle at 2, tunnel back through the knots (or through wefts) and bring needle out at 3. Bypassing at least two warps, insert needle at 4 to begin next stitch. Stitches should not be noticeable from the front. The length of stitches should be staggered.

Comments[edit | edit source]

This stitch is used on an edge to secure the last rows of weft. Thinner thread than the yarns of the textile should be used to reduce the stress of additional thread through the textile's structure.

Possible uses for this stitch[edit | edit source]

Stabilizing Weft

See also[edit | edit source]


Copyright: 2025. The Textile Wiki pages are a publication of the Textile Specialty Group of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works.