TSG:Lacing Stitch

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LACING STITCH[edit | edit source]


Other names[edit | edit source]

Antique Stitch
Ball Stitch
Baseball Stitch

Directions[edit | edit source]

Bring needle out to the front side at 1. Insert needle through the fabric slit at a diagonal and bring out to the front side from the reverse side at 2, on the opposite side of the slit and above 1. Go in opposite direction for the next stitch sequence. Repeat. The threads will cross each other in the repaired slit.

Comments[edit | edit source]

This stitch is very similar to the Figure 8 Stitch, except that Lacing Stitches are spaced farther apart, resulting in slanted stitches on the front.

Possible uses for this stitch[edit | edit source]

Closing Slits
Joining Fabric

See also[edit | edit source]

Figure 8 Stitch

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