TSG:Herringbone Stitch
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HERRINGBONE STITCH[edit | edit source]
Other names[edit | edit source]
Barred Witch Stitch
Cat Stitch
Catch Stitch
Crossed Backstitch
Directions[edit | edit source]
Work from left to right. Bring needle out to the front side at 1. Take a slanting stitch to the top right , insert needle through fabric to the reverse side at 2. Move needle a short distance to the left and bring out to the front side at 3. Move needle down to the right and insert needle through fabric to the reverse side at 4 to complete stitch. Repeat.
Comments[edit | edit source]
This stitch is sometimes worked from the front side of the textile with the long segments on the reverse side.
Possible uses for this stitch[edit | edit source]
Securing a Damaged Area to a Support Fabric
See also[edit | edit source]
Herringbone Stitch/Knot over Previous Stitch
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