TSG:Darning Stitch

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DARNING STITCH[edit | edit source]

Other names[edit | edit source]

Weaving Stitch


Directions[edit | edit source]

Begin and end rows of stitching in a stable area of the textile. Warp: Work from right to left. Bring needle out to the front side at 1. Insert needle through fabric to the reverse side at 2 (directly below). Bring needle out to the front side at 3. Insert needle through fabric to the reverse side at 4 (directly above), and repeat for as many yarns as needed . Keep warp yarns loose to accommodate the new wefts. Weft: Work from left to right, starting at the upper left corner. Bring needle out to the front side at A, and weave across the warps, going over and under alternate lengthwise yarns. Insert needle through fabric to the reverse side at B. Bring needle out to the front side at C and make the next crosswise run, putting the thread over and under opposite yarns from the previous row. Continue until the area is covered. Vary the point where rows begin and end .

Comments[edit | edit source]

This is used to fill in missing yarns. The fabric surrounding the hole must be strong to support the reweaving, or it will cause more damage.

Possible uses for this stitch[edit | edit source]

Reinforcing Holes and Tears

See also[edit | edit source]

Invisible Darning Stitch

Copyright: 2025. The Textile Wiki pages are a publication of the Textile Specialty Group of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works.