TSG:Blind Stitch
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BLIND STITCH[edit | edit source]
Other names[edit | edit source]
- Invisible Stitch
- Tunnel Stitch
Directions[edit | edit source]
Work from right to left. This stitch is executed between two layers of fabric. Roll back the edge of one layer of fabric. Insert needle into this fabric at 1, catch a few threads and bring out at 2. Move needle slightly to the left and insert in the second layer of fabric at 3. Catch a few threads and bring needle out at 4. Continue to alternate the stitches between layers of fabric. Do not pull thread taut.
Comments[edit | edit source]
These stitches give the appearance of the Running Stitch on the reverse sides of the fabric layers.
Possible uses for this stitch[edit | edit source]
Attaching Lining, Dust Covers and Backings
Joining Fabric
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