STANDARD 24: Object Conservation Treatment

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STANDARD 24: Object Conservation Treatment
The recommended object conservation treatments must be performed to stablilize the objects and prepare them for going on safe exhibit.
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click on the individual Guidelines below to read more information

Guideline 24.1: The proposed object conservation treatment is performed by qualified conservators with specific knowledge of the materials (and may require a variety of specialists i.e. textile, paper, painting, wooden object specialists)

Who is qualified to perform the proposed object conservation treatment?
How can qualified conservators be identified?

Guideline 24.2: Unstable objects are stabilized to the minimum extent necessary to resist damage from the specific exhibit circumstances

How are unstable objects stabilized?
Who is qualified to safely stabilize objects?

Guideline 24.3: The exhibit schedule budgets sufficient time to ensure that conservation treatment and stabilization are completed before objects go on exhibit

How much time should be allotted to ensure that the conservation treatment will be completed in time for exhibit?