STANDARD 23: Modifying Exhibit Climate

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STANDARD 23: Modifying Exhibit Climate
Effective measures [design, controls and policies] must maintain object-safe climatic conditions that fulfill the Conservation Requirements
OR: The exhibit design must provide exhibit objects the required climatic conditions
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Guideline 23.1: Technological controls that maintain a stable relative humidity are included in exhibit design when necessary

What are the main controls available for controlling relative humidity?
What conditions should relative humidity controls aim to create?

Guideline 23.2: Technological controls that maintain a moderate temperature are included in exhibit design when necessary

What conditions should temperature controls aim to create?
What are the main types of control for temperature?

Guideline 23.3: Exhibit design strategies are used to protect objects from inappropriate climatic conditions

How can exhibit cases be used to provide exhibit objects the appropriate climatic conditions?
What role can exhibit design play in protecting objects from inappropriate climatic conditions?

Guideline 23.4: Architectural modifications are utilized to protect objects from inappropriate climatic conditions

How can architectural modifications aid environmental control?

Guideline 23.5: Museum policies are utilized to protect objects from inappropriate climatic conditions

What policies can assist in protecting objects from inappropriate climatic conditions?