FAIC Oral History Project Interviewee List

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To date more than 400 interviews have been conducted as part of the FAIC Oral History Project. Visit the AIC website's Oral History Page to learn more about the project.

Many of the interview transcripts and some recordings are available on FAIC Oral History Recordings page of the Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library. Information on how to access information not already online is available on the Access the Archives section of the FAIC website page.

Format Key
A: Annotated, D: Digital, H: Hard copy, J: Scan, P: Photograph

Interviewee(s) Interviewer(s) Interview date Format Comments/ Area of specialization
Adair, William Saira Haqqi 2012 D Frames
Adelson, Warren Joyce Hill Stoner 2012 D Gallery owner
Agnew, Neville Todd Holmes 2016 D from the UC Berkeley oral history project; Conservation science
Aiken, Carol Adriana Benavides 2019 D Paintings (particularly miniatures)
Ainsworth, Maryan Rebecca Rushfield 2007 D Art historian (paintings)
Aks, Lee Sharra Grow 2006 D Sculpture
Alabone, Gerry Heather Tetley 2022 D Picture frames
Albano, Albert Rebecca Rushfield 2017 D 2 parts; Paintings
Albright, Gary Jessica Keister 2021 D Photographic materials
Albro, Tom Rachel Bissonnette 2019 D Books
Alden, Gary Rebecca Rushfield 2022 D Paintings, Administration; joint interview with Harriet Irgang Alden
Alden, Harriet Irgang Rebecca Rushfield 2022 D Paintings; joint interview with Gary Alden
Alonso, Rafael Alonso 2018 D from the Voces del prado project; Paintings
Althofer, Hans Bettina Schwabe and Cornelia King 2011 D Paintings
Alvarez, Maria Teresa Davila 2017 D from the Voces del Prado project; Paintings
Alvarez, Rocio Davila 2017 D from the Voces del Prado project; Paintings
Anderson, Samuel Rebecca Rushfield 2019 D architect who designs conservation laboratories
Anderson, Samuel Kelly Krish 2020 D AIC Collections Care Network interview; architect who designs conservation laboratories
Antrim, Earl of, formerly known as Viscount Alexander Dunluce Joyce Hill Stoner/Sitwell 1977 P Paintings
Appelbaum, Barbara Rebecca Rushfield 2005 D Joint interview with Paul Himmelstein; Objects
Arthur, Brian Nathalie Nadeau Mijal 2019 or 2020 D Part of the CCI and CHIN Podcast series "In our own words"; Ceramics
Ash, Nancy Melissa Hand 2012 D Works on paper
Ashley-Smith, Jonathan Allison Richmond 2008 D Conservation administration
Asperen de Boer, J.R.J. van Molly Faries 1999 P, D Conservation science
Asokan, Anaka Shayam Krishnamurthy 2020 D Interview Portal (India) series; Textiles
Asoka, Shruti Shayam Krishnamurthy 2017 D Interview Portal (India) series; Paintings
Aviram, Anny Rebecca Rushfield 2012 D Modern art
Bachmann, Konstanze Rebecca Rushfield 2003 D Works on paper
Bacon, Louise Allyson Rae 2021 D Musical instruments, objects, natural science artifacts
Bailey, Forest Lance Mayer and Gay Myers 2010 D Paintings
Baker, Cathy Anne Downey 2021 D Book and library
Ballard, Mary W. Rebecca Rushfield 2018 D Textiles
Ballestrem, Agnes Grafin Gwen Tauber 2001 D Polychrome; Conservation administration
Bang-Hanse, Bent Mette Carlsen 2018 D Modern media (film, etc)
Banks, Paul N. Ellen McCrady 2000 D With funding support from Eleanor McMillan; Books; papers in the Newberry Library
Barabe, Bisbing & Shearer- Chicago McCrone Association Scott Nettles 1996 D Microscopy
Barclay, Marion Jan Marontate H Answering FAIC questions 2004 and 2008; Paintings
Barger, M. Susan Annabelle Fichtner 2018 D Photographic materials; Collections care
Barger, M. Susan Kelly Krish 2020 D AIC Collection Care Network interview; Collections care, photographic materials
Batchelor, Elizabeth Rose Daly Cull 2011 D Paintings
Bauman, Barry Corina Marie Carusi 1995, 2007 D Paintings
Beale, Arthur LeeAnn Barnes Gordon D Objects
Beaubien, (Harriet) Rae Mette Carlsen 2018 D Archaeological objects
Beck, James Lily Prigioniero 1998 D Art historian
Bedford, Clarke Pamela Johnson 2012 D Modern art
Belloli, Lucy R. Rushfield 2010 D Modern and contemporary art
Bennett, Anna Marti Leicester and Jim Bernstein 1977 D Tapestries
Bennett, Wendy Dory Johnson 2020 D Works on paper
Benson, Sarah Rosie Chamberlin 2024 D ICOM-CC Textiles Working Group interview; Textiles
Bergeon, Segolene Rebecca Rushfield 2015 D Paintings
Berger, Gustav Joyce Stoner 1976 D Papers housed in the Winterthur Library archive; Paintings
Berger, Gustav Jean Portell 1995 D Paintings
Berkes, Peter Friederike Steckling 2019 D In German; Paintings
Bernstein, James Marie Rizkalla 2005 P Paintings
Bickersteth, Julian Amber Kerr 2020 D Conservation administration
Bijl, Martin Esther van Duijn and L. Raven 2019 D https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-zv9-3z7n ; Archived under the NWO-KIEM funded project Interviews in Conservation Research at the University of Amsterdam; Paintings
Bingham, Nicolette Rebecca Rushfield 2006 D Florence Flood
Bisacca, George Rebecca Rushfield 2006 D Panel paintings
Bisacca, George anonymous 2020 D Panel paintings; conducted for the Voces del Prado series
Biskin, Jill Russell Clayton 2012 D Paintings; conducted for the Athos Menaboni Oral History project
Bjarnhof, Mette Joyce Hill Stoner 2006 P, D Florence Flood
Bjerre, Henrik Lauren Cox, Loa Ludvigsen 2006 P, D Florence Flood
Black, James W.A. Oddy 2020 D Conservation publications, Conservation education
Blakney, Susan Miriam Helene Rudd 2019 D Paintings
Blewett, Morwenna Rebecca Rushfield 2024 D Paintings, History of conservation
Blyth-Hill, Victoria Ellen Moody 2009 P Works on paper
Bober, Harry Joyce Hill Stoner 1976 A,D Art historian
Bockrath, Mark answered questions by himself 2023 D Paintings
Bocour, Leonard Paul Cummings AAA D Through Archives of American Art; Art materials manufacturer
Bomford, David Joyce Hill Stoner 1997 D Paintings, conservation administration
Boon, Jaap Joana Devesa 2019 D Conservation science
Booth, Suzanne Deal Rebecca Rushfield 2020 D Modern art
Bourdeau, James Claire Nelly D Paintings, conservation administration
Bourgeois, Violet Rebecca Rushfield & Jean Portell 1995 A, D annotated; secretary at NYU Conservation Center
Bove, June Burns Christine Janel Hopkins 2015 D Conducted for a Fashion Institute of Technology project; Costumes
Bradley, Morton C. Laura J. Juszczak 1997 D Paintings
Brako, Jeanne Rebecca Rushfield 2020 D Indigenous objects; curatorship/administration
Brealey, John Joyce Hill Stoner 1976 and 1977 A, D Interviewed 3x; Paintings; Some of his papers housed in the Hamilton Kerr Institute, Cambridge University
Bremer,Rob Hinke Sigmond 2011 D https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-245-dfff; Conducted for a University of Amsterdam graduation thesis; Archived under the NWO-KIEM funded project Interviews in Conservation Research at the University of Amsterdam
Brennan, Julia Saira Haqqi 2013 D Textiles; specializes in Tibetan art
Bria, Jr. Carmen F. Christina Simms 2009 D Paintings, Conservation administration
Bridgman, Charles Joyce Hill Stoner 1976 H X-radiography of paintings
Brill, Robert Heidi Miksch 1977 H Conservation science of glass
Brommelle, Norman Tina Sitwell 1978 A, D Conservation science
Brommelle, Norman Joyce Hill Stoner 1986 D Conservation science
Brooke, Natalie Amber Kerr-Allison 2006 P Florence Flood
Brooke, Steve Michael Jones 2024 D from the Fly Line Podcast; Objects,Murals
Brown, Barbara Heather Brown, Diana Diaz, and Amber Kehoe 2020 D Photographic materials
Brown, Heather Anisha Gupta 2017 D Photographic materials; Brown and Gupta interviewed each other
Buchberg, Karl Rebecca Rushfield 2005 D Works on paper
Buck, Richard Roundtable 1975 D Fogg Roundtable discussion; Panel paintings
Buengur, Nancy Linda Pompeii 1997 H Books and library materials
Bull, David Joyce Hill Stoner 1996 D Interviewed 8/20/96 & 10/22/96; Paintings
Bundgaard, My Sanneke Stigter et al 2024 D Sculpture; University of Amsterdam Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage interview
Burns, Thea Rebecca Rushfield 2023 D Works on paper
Burnstock, Aviva Camille Polkownik 2020 D Conservation science
Butler, Marigene H. Joyce Hill Stoner 1999 P, D Papers housed in the Winterthur Library archive; Paintings
Cains, Anthony Katie Payne 2006 P Florence Flood; Books
Camp, Annabelle anonymous 2021 D Textiles; ECPN Specialty Group Interview series
Canary, Jim (James) Jo-Fan Huang 2004 D Books and library materials
Carlson, Janice Anne Perantaeu 2003 D Conservation science
Carlyle, Leslie Kari Raynor 2016 D Paintings
Casella, Luisa Rebecca Rushfield 2024 D Photographs
Cassman, Vicki Annabelle Fichtner 2018 D Textiles
Chase, W.T. Roundtable 1975 D Fogg Roundtable discussion; Papers housed in the Winterthur Library archive and the Freer Sackler Gallery; Objects
Chase, W.T. S.G. Sturman 1977 D Papers housed in the Winterthur Library archive and the Freer Sackler Gallery; Objects
Chevalier, Andrea Leah Palmer 2024 D Paintings
Chase, W.T. Kelsey Wingel and Carol Snow 2019 D Papers housed in the Winterthur Library archive and the Freer Sackler Gallery; Objects
Choudhary, Rajeev Kumar Shyan Krishnamurthy 2022 D Interview Portal (India) series
Clapp, Anne F. E. Carl Grimm 1977 D, A Papers housed in the Winterthur Library archive; Works on paper
Clark, Ian Sarah Hayes 2023 D Metals,industrial conservation
Clarkson, Chris Cathy Magee 2016 D Books
Clavir, Miriam Beth Boyce 2017 D updated with notes by Miriam Clavir in 2020; Objects
Clavir, Miriam Emma Griffiths 2023 D Canadian Association of Professional Conservators interview; Objects
Cnossen, Kris anonymous 2021 D ECPN Specialty Group Interview Series; Textiles
Coddington, James (Jim) Rebecca Rushfield 2012 D Modern art
Cohn, Marjorie Denise Thomas 1979 P Works on paper
Commoner, Lucy Rebecca Rushfield 2018 D Textiles
Considine, Brian Cristina Kim 2017 D From the UC Berkeley oral history project, Sculpture and decorative arts
Constable, W.G. AAA by Robert Brown 1972 D Through Archives of American Art; Papers housed in the Archives of American Art; Curator and museum administrator
Cook, Sarah Crystal Sanchez and James Smith 2013 D Time-Based Media; Smithsonian Time-Based and Digital Art Working Group Interview Project
Corbeil, Marie-Claude Alice Wang 2023 D Conservation Science; CCI 50th anniversary interview
Corfield, Mike Alison Richmond 2016 D Conservation science
Costain, Charles Nathalie Nadeau Mijal and Kelly Johnson 2019 D Part of the CCI and CHIN Podcast series "In our own words"; Conservation science
Cornu, Elizabeth Kendall George 2009 D Objects
Craft, Meg Haddon Dine 2019 D Objects
Cummings, Alan Alison Richmond 2013 D Paintings
Cumpsty, Dorothy Katie Payne 2006 D Florence Flood
Cunningham-Adams, Christy Amber Kerr Allison transcript not dated D Paintings
Curteis, Tobit David Odgers 2020 D Historic buildings, architectural painting
Daniels, Vincent Alison Richmond 2007 D Conservation science
Dahnsjö, Ylva Bouke de Vries 2021 D Conservation administration, historic structures
Danziger, Christine Maura Cornman 1978 D Objects
Dardes, Kathy Claire Taggart and Jackie Peterson 2016 D Conservation administration, conservation education
Dardes, Kathy Amanda Tewes 2019 D J Paul Getty Trust Oral History Project; Conservation administration, conservation education
Davidson, Flora Canadian Association for Conservation group 2014 D archaeological sites
de Guichen, Gael Joyce Hill Stoner 2005 P,D Papers donated to ICCROM; Conservation administration
de la Rie, Rene Joyce Hill Stoner 2003 D Conservation science
de la Torre, Marta Rebecca Rushfield 2020 D Conservation administration
de Liss, Max Morwenna Blewett 2016 D Paintings
de Vries, Bouke Ylva Dahnsjö 2021 D Ceramics
de Wild, Louis Joyce Hill Stoner 1977 D transcribed telephone call; Paintings
Decker, Howard Michael Fus 1995 H
Delaney, John K. David Zierler 2021 D Scientist; Conducted by the American Institute of Physics
Deller, Craig Page Henry 1996 H Objects
Di Gioia, Rachele Rosie Chamberlin 2024 D ICOM-CC Textiles Working Group interview; Textiles
Dijkman, Peter Hinke Sigmond 2017 D https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-2bx-v5cu; Conducted for a University of Amsterdam graduation thesis; Archived under the NWO-KIEM funded project Interviews in Conservation Research at the University of Amsterdam; Historic interiors
Dijkman, Peter Bernice E. Crijns 2011 D https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-z7t-w3kk; Archived under the NWO-KIEM funded project Interviews in Conservation Research at the University of Amsterdam; Historic interiors
Dixon, Tom Jan Lyal 2004 D, pdf 3 part interview from the National Library of Australia; Paintings
Domergue, Denise Magdalena Solano 2020 D Paintings
Drehoble, Frank Doreen Guenther 1997 H
Druzik, James Ross Ellen Moody 2009 D Conservation science
Druzik, James Ross Paul Burnett 2016 D J Paul Getty Trust Oral History Project; Conservation science
Duffy, Michael Diana Hartman 2023 D Paintings
Dunkerton, Jill Camille Polkownik 2018 D Paintings
Eagan, Jane Rebecca Rushfield 2023 D Books
Edmondson, Tom Rose Daly Cull 2011 D Photographic materials
Edquist, Linda Lauren Couey and Samantha Springer 2019 D Paper
Eisler, Colin Rebecca Rushfield and Jean D. Portell 1996 D Art historian
Eliot, Theresa Nina Rayer 1977 D Textiles
Ellis, Margaret Holben (Peggy) Rebecca Rushfield 2002, 2006, 2021 D Works on paper
Emslander, Frank Tommy Spinosa H Books
Engel, Deena Katie Yan 2023 D Electonic media
Esser, Mark self interview 2022 D Books
Essex, John Camille Polkownik 2020 D Furniture
Etherington, Don Rebecca Rushfield 2020 D Works on paper
Evetts, Deborah Rebecca Rushfield 2003 D Books
Fairbanks-Harris,Theresa Kelsey Wingel 2022 D Works on paper
Faries, Molly Cynthia Kuniej Barry 2012 D Art historian
Farancz, Alan Amber Kerr Allison 2006 P Florence Flood; Paintings
Feller, Robert Maura Cornman 1977 A. D Xome of his papers housed at Carnegie Mellon University; other papers housed in the Winterthur Library archive; Conservation scientist
Fennimore, Don Joyce Hill Stoner 2024 D Metals (curator)
Fikioris, Margaret Katie Payne 2002 D Textiles
Finch, Karen Vicki Cassman 1985 D Textiles
Fino-Radin, Ben Crystal Sanchez and James Smith 2013 D Time-Based Media; Smithsonian Time-Based and Digital Art Working Group Interview Project
Fisher, Sarah Joanna Dunn 2003 D Paintings
FitzHugh, Elisabeth Joyce Hill Stoner 1976 D Conservation science
Florian, Mary Lou Jane Hutchins 2005 D Conservation science
Foley, Lori Elizabeth Drolet 2023 D AIC Emergency Committee Interview; Emergency planning and response
Francis, Kathy Sarah Scaturro 2021 D Textiles
Fredette, Theresa (Tess) Lauren Cox 2008 D Textiles
French, Karen Adriana Benavides 2020 D Paintings
Frohnert, Cristine Crystal Sanchez and Claire Eckert 2013 D Time-Based Media; Smithsonian Time-Based and Digital Art Working Group Interview Project
Frost, Gary Katarina Stiller 2023 D Books and library materials
Futernick, Robert KG 2009 D Works on paper
Gabov, Alexander T Canadian Association for Conservation Group 2014 D Sculpture
Gaehde, Christa Catherine Nicholson 1976 D Works on paper
Gamblin, Robert Joyce Hill Stoner 2002 P Manufacturer of art materials
Garcia, Kaelyn anonymous 2021 D ECPN Specialty Group Interview; Textiles
Gardiner, Joy Awin Rileybird and Margaret O’Neil 2022 D Textiles
Gettens, Katherine WT Chase and Joyce Stoner D Fogg Round Table Discussion
Gettens, Rutherford J. 1974 D Re: founding of history file
Gettens-Hayes, Rebecca W.T. Chase 2010 D Rutherford Gettens
Gibson, Bethune Jane Glaser and Carolyn Rose 1977 D Objects
Gillette-Woodard, Helene Rachel Childers 2017 D Objects
Giuntini. Christine Annabelle Camp 2022 D Textiles
Glaser, Mary Todd Christopher Sokolowski 2010 D Works on paper
Goist, David Kimberly Norman and Brittany Dineen 2019 D Paintings
Goidberg, Lisa Rebecca Rushfield 2024 D Objects, Preventive conservation
Golden, Mark Joyce Hill Stoner 2003 P, D Manufacturer of art materials
Goldrach, Alain Joyce Hill Stoner 2017 D Paintings
Gombrich, H. Ernst Joyce Hill Stoner 1996 A, P, D Art historian
Gomez, Jose Manso 2015 D from the Voces del Prado project; Panel paintings
Gordon, Eric Adriana Benavides 2020 D Paintings
Gottsegen, Mark Joyce Hill Stoner 2003 P, D Paintings
Grassi, Marco Rebecca Rushfield 2003 P, D Paintings
Grattan, David Cliff Cook 2011 D Conservation science
Green, Simon Barcham Camille Polkownik 2017 D Manufacturer of paper
Greenacre, Mary Clifford Price 2020 D Historic interiors
Greene, Virginia Christina Smiraglia 2002 P, D Archaeological objects
Grevenstein-Kruse, Anne van Muriel Verbeeck 2009 D Paintings
Grevenstein-Kruse, Anne van Esther van Duijn and Ella Hendriks 2017 D Also available through: https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-2x9-pwma; Paintings
Grimm, Carl Patricia O'Regan 2014 D Paintings
Grissom, Carol Saira Haqqi 2012 D Objects
Gupta, Anisha Heather Brown 2017 D Gupta and Brown interviewed each other; Works on paper
Halahan, Frances Clare Meredith 2020 D Halahan and Meredith interviewed each other; Collections care
Hamburg, Doris Rebecca Brenner 2015 D Conducted by the National Archives History Office; Books and paper
Hamburg, Doris Rebecca Rushfield 2022 D Books and paper
Harasewych, Linda Rollins Tawn O'Connor 2004 D Books and paper
Harley, Dr. Rosamond Leslie Carlyle 2006 D Conservation science
Haspo, Beatriz Rebecca Rushfield 2023 D Preventive conservation; APOYOnline (joint interview with Amparo Rueda)
Heimberg, Bruno Bettina Schwabe and Cornelia Weyer 2015 D Paintings
Held, Julius Joyce Hill Stoner 1996 D Art historian
Heller, Barbara Eve Mayberger 2016 D Florence Flood; Paintings
Heller, Don Greg Landrey and Linda Heller 2012 D Metal objects
Heller, Mark Crystal Sanchez and James Smith 2013 D Time-Based Media; Smithsonian Time-Based and Digital Art Working Group Interview Project
Henry, Michael Melissa King 2020 D Architecture
Hermens, Erma Riley Cruttenden 2017 D Technical art history
Heugh, Nancy Rose Daly Cull D Works on paper and photographic materials
Heuman, Jackie Derek Pullen 2021 D Sculpture
Heydenryk, House of (framers) Rebecca Rushfield 2003 D narrated by Charles Schreiber; Framers
Himmelstein, Paul Rebecca Rushfield 2005 D joint interview with Barbara Appelbaum; Objects
Hitchings, Marildi Rebecca Rushfield 2020 D Works on paper
Hlopoff, Rostislav Glenn Wharton 1987 H Furniture
Hodge, Heather anonymous 2021 D ECPN Specialty Group Interview series; Textiles
Hodges, Henry W.M Maura Cornman and Shelley Sturman 1977 H, D Archaeological objects
Hodgson, Robin Joyce Stoner and Diana Hartman 2016 D Furniture and wooden objects
Hodkinson, Ian Krysia Spirydowicz 2017 D Paintings
Hoepfner, Gerald Jessica Walthew 2020 D Paintings
Hoffman, Sharon & John DePotter of Frank Emslander & Co Tommy Spinosa 1996 H
Homulos, Peter Nathalie Nadeau Mijal and Kelly Johnson 2021 D Part of the CCI and CHIN Podcast series "In our own words"; Conservation administration
Horie, Velson Helen Hughes 2021 D Conservation administration; Collections Care
Horton, Carolyn Rebecca Rushfield 2004 P Interviews with Mariol Gallichio and Mark Watters; Works on paper
Hughes, Harriet Owen answered questions herself 2008 D answered the questions by herself; Paintings
Hughes, Helen Velson Horie 2021 D Historic interiors
Hummel, Charles Joyce Hill Stoner 2000 and 2020 D Museum administrator
Huston, Perry Helen Parkin and Helen Houp 2003 , 2008 D Paintings
Hutchins, Jane Sarah Scaturro 2021 D Textiles
von Imhoff, Hans Christoph Magdalena Schindler 2021 D one-third in English and rest in German; Paintings and polychrome sculpture
Indenbaum, Vera Daniela González-Pruitt 2020 D Textiles
Irgang Alden, Harriet; see Alden
Isbell, Lisa Saira Haqqi 2023 D Works on paper
Jakstas, Alfred Christine Sitwell 1976 D Paintings
Jayne, Timothy Lance Moore 2000 P, D Paintings
Jenssen, Victoria Rebecca Rushfield 2017, 2018 D Objects-- particularly archaeological
Jessell, Bettina Joyce Hill Stoner 1996 D Papers housed in the Winterthur Library archive; Paintings
Jimenez, Mona Crystal Sanchez and James Smith 2013 D Time-Based Media; Smithsonian Time-Based and Digital Art Working Group Interview Project
Johansen, Katia Sarah Scaturro 2022 D Textiles
Johnson, Benjamin Bishop Laura Juszczak 1979 A,D,P Paintings
Jones, Elizabeth WT Chase 1975 A, P Paintings, Conservation administration
Jones, Norvell M.M Susan Page 2002 D Archival materials
Jones, Rica Camille Polkownik 2021 D Paintings
Jones, Sian Adriana Benavides 2010 D Paintings
Jonker, Bert Hinke Sigmond 2011 D https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-23c-q7tf  ; Conducted for a University of Amsterdam graduation thesis; Archived under the NWO-KIEM funded project Interviews in Conservation Research at the University of Amsterdam; Historic interiors
Kajitani, Nobuko Nina Rayer 1977 D Textiles
Kajitani, Nobuko Mary Ballard and Rebecca Rushfield 2002 D Textiles
Kaminitz, Marian Caitlyn Fong 2020 D Indigenous objects
Kaplan, Hilary Ashley Jehle 2017 D Archival materials
Katlan, Alexander Rebecca Rushfield 2013 D Papers housed in the Winterthur Library archive; American Paintings
Keck, Albert Cara Bramson 2008 D Cooperstown Graduate Program interview; partially about Sheldon and Caroline Keck
Keck, Sheldon John Morse 1959 P, D Through Archives of American Art, Caroline Keck Papers housed in the Winterthur Library archive, Paintings
Kempski, Mary Camille Polkownik 2017 D Paintings
Kennedy, Nora Pau Maynes 2001 D joint interview with Peter Mustardo for Eastman House; Photographic materials
Kenyon, Kimberly Wendi Field Murray 2022 D AIC Collection Care Network interview; Underwater archaeology
Kerr, Amber Joyce Hill Stoner 2024 D Paintings
Kerschner, Richard L. Rose Daly 2009 D Conservation administration; historic structures
Keyserlingk, Ela Nathalie Nadeau Mijal 2021 D Part of the CCI and CHIN Podcast series "In our own words"; Textiles
Kilpinen,Tuulikki Päivi Kyllönen-Kunnas 2024 D Paintings (Finland)
Kimball, Jeff Rebecca Rushfield 2022 D Objects, Conservation administration
King, Antoinette Rebecca Rushfield or Sharon Zane of MoMA 1997 D; pdf from 1997 Works on paper
Kingsbury, Lucilla Lauren Cox 2006 P, D Florence Flood
Kirke, Betty Harold Mailand 2003 P, D Papers housed in the Metropolitan Museum Costume Institute; Costumes
Kittleson, Kristin Jennifer Moelling H Books and library materials
Klein, Peter Ina Birkenbeul and Ralf Buchholz 2019 D In German; Wood
Klinger, Jane Caitlyn Fong 2020 D Works on paper; Conservation administration
Knauer, Hermes Michelle Millar Fisher 2012 D Arms and armor, metal objects; part of the Artwrit oral history interview series
Knight, Barry Louise Bacon 2021 D Conservation science
Kneisel, Wolfgang Rikke Foulke 2005 P, DVD Panel paintings
Konrad, Anton J Michael Heslip 1977 A, D Paintings and sculpture
Koob, Stephen Agnes Gall and Pau Maynes 2001 D Ceramics and glass; Corning Museum of Glass interview
Kopelman, Gabrielle Joyce Hill Stoner 2017 D Paintings; papers in the Getty Researcxh Institute
Kovner, Davida Adriana Benavides 2019 D Frames
Koyano, Masako Rebecca Rushfield (Yoshi Nishio participated in the interview ) 2025 D Paintings
Kremer, Dr. Georg Brian Baade 2018 D Manufacturer of art materials
Kremer, George Rebecca Rushfield 2015 D Manufacturer of art materials
Krill, John Elizabeth C. Wendelin 2008 D Works on paper
Kronkright, Dale Mette Carlsen 2018 D Paintings
Kruth, Leslie Debra Evans 2016 D Works on paper
Kuhn, Hermann Cornelia Weyer and Bettina Schwabe 2008 D Conservation science
Kyle, Hedi Kim Norman 2019 D Books
Kyle, Hedi Rachel Bissonnette 2020 D Books
Kyriazi, Evangelia answered questions by herself 2020 D Stone
Lancaster, Amanda Wendi Field Murray 2022 D AIC Collection Care Network interview; Collections management, Indigenous collections
Landi, Sheila 2016 D Textiles; a videotaped interview with Landi conducted by the ICON Textiles Group in December 2022 can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJUcamWVx-Y&list=PLbo-lRzNca55vNZR9JuWV0ccyUJVfSdLO&index=1
Landrey, Greg Kathy Gillis 2021 D Furniture, Conservation education
Landrieu, Corine Jennifer Beetem 2024 D Objects
Lane, Hannah W.A. (Andrew) Oddy 2020 D Conservation science
Lank, Herbert Joyce Hill Stoner 1996 D Paintings. Conservation administration
Laroche, Cheryl Rebecca Rushfield 2023 D Archaeological artifacts from African American sites
Lebron, James J. Rebecca Rushfield 2003 D Framing
Lebwohl, Murray WT Chase 2005 D Works on paper
Lechtman, Heather Pam Hatchfield 2014 D History of technology; metals
Lefferts, Kate C. Joyce Hill Stoner 1975 A, H, P NYU Roundtable; Paintings
Lehmann, Jirina Cornelia Weyer 2009 D In German; Wooden objects
Leigh, David Alison Richmond 2017 D Archaeological objects; Conservation administration
Lennard, Frances Riley Cruttenden 2017 D Textiles
Lennon, Timothy J.T. Garofalo 1995 D Post retirement interview to be done by Cynthia Kuniej Berry; Paintings
Leonard, Mark Kristin deGhetaldi 2006 D Paintings
Leonard, Mark Amanda Tewes 2019 D Getty Trust Oral History Project; Paintings
Lev-Alexander, Nancy Wendi Field Murray 2022 D AIC Collection Care Network interview; Collections care, Books
Levenson, Rustin (Rusty) Rebecca Rushfield 2019 D Paintings
Levinson, Judith Caitlyn Fong 2020 D Anthropological objects
Levison, Henry Bert Marshall 1985 D Manufacturer of art materials
Lewin, William Adriana Benavides 2019 D Frames
Lewis, Tim and Matilde Rubio Annabelle Fichtner 2018 D Murals
Lins, Andrew Linda Lennon 2012 D Sculpture
Lindsay, Patrick Joyce Hill Stoner 1996 D Paintings
Liparini, Luciano Donna Weiss 1997 H Paintings
Lodge, Robert (Bob) Christina Simms 2013 D Sculpture; architectural elements
Logan, Judy Nathalie Nadeau Mijal and Kelly Johnson 2020 D Part of the CCI and CHIN Podcast series "In our own words"; Archaeological objects
Long, Jane Anne Kingery Schwartz 2012 D Conservation administration
Lowengard, Sarah Rebecca Rushfield 2018 D Textiles
Lowenthal, Constance Rebecca Rushfield 2009 D Art historian
Lowinger, Rosa Rebecca Rushfield 2020 D Outdoor sculpture and murals
Luke, Joy Turner Joyce Hill Stoner 2002 P, D Artists materials
Luo, Hung-Wen Hung-Wen Luo 2022 D Answered the questions in writing; Photographs, Paper
MacDonald, Margaret G. Riley Cruttenden 2017 D Curator
Magaloni, Diana Arthur Nguyen 2019 D conducted for Insider, a magazine for LACMA donors, COnservation administration, art of the ancient Americas
Mahon, Dorothy Rebecca Rushfield 2006 D Paintings
Mahon, Terrance (Terry) Rebecca Rushfield 2008 D Paintings
Majewski, Lawrence J. Jean Portell 1995 A, P, D Objects; Education
Makos, Kathryn Kari Rayner 2015 D Health and safety
Mallory, Peter Rebecca Rushfield 2006 P, D Florence Flood
Mancusi-Ungaro, Carol Rebecca Rushfield 2009 D Modern and contemporary art
Manoukian, Downey Rugtiv Michelle Facini 2002 D Works on paper
Marijnissen, Rogier Muriel Verbeeck 2009 D Art historian, Conservation administrator
Marincola, Michele Rebecca Rushfield 2007 D embargoed; Wooden objects
Markell, Gertrude Nina Lindsey-Rayer 1977 D Textiles
Marmor, Max Rebecca Rushfield 2023 D The Kress Foundation
Maroger, Jacques protégé Joseph Sheppard interviewed by Lance Moore 2012 D Paintings
Marques, Manuela Mena 2018 D from the Voces del Prado project; paintings
Marty, Hanspeter Friederike Steckling 2019 D in German; Modern art
Massing, Ann Kari Rayner 2015 D Paintings
Matero, Frank Jeanne Drewes 2018 D Architecture
Martin, Mervin Joyce Hill Stoner 1979 D Furniture
Matthiesen, Patrick Amber Kerr-Allison 2006 P, D Florence Flood
Maurbach, Hannes Charlotte Klack-Eitzen and A. Hoffmeister 2018 D in German
Mayer, Debora D. Rachel Bissonnette 2022 D Books and paper
Mayer, Lance & Gay Myers Terry Marsh 2003 D joint interview with Gay Myers; Paintings
Mayer, Lance & Gay Myers Kelsey Wingel 2019 D joint interview with Gay Myers; Paintings
Mcausland, Jane Penny Jenkins 2020 D Works on paper
McCabe, Constance Margaret Wessling 2020 D Photographic materials
McClure, Ian Joyce Hill Stoner 1998 D Paintings
McClure, Ian Kelsey Wingel 2022 D Paintings
McCrady, Ellen Jennifer Jae Mentzer 2004 P, D Library and archives
McGlinchey, Chris Ellen Moody 2022 D Conservation Science
McLean, Catherine Leslie Daniela González-Pruitt 2020 D Textiles
McManus, Ed Greta Glaser 2015 D Objects
McMillan, Eleanor WT Chase 2005 D Works on paper
Mehra, Vishwa Bernice E. Crijns 2017 D https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-xc9-u77m ; Archived under the NWO-KIEM funded project Interviews in Conservation Research at the University of Amsterdam; Paintings
Meller, Taina Claudia Pretelin 2019 D instrumentsofmemory.com interview; Photographs
Melody, John Susan West 1976 D Furniture
Mention, Elisabeth Elise Effman Clifford 2014, 2016 D Paintings
Meredith, Clare Frances Halahan 2020 D Meredith and Halahan interviewed each other; Paintings
Messier, Paul Shannon Brogdon-Grantham 2014 D Photographic materials
Metzger, Catherine Wendy Partridge 2011 D Paintings
Meyers, Pieter Kristin deGhetaldi 2006 D Conservation science
Mibach, Lisa Rebecca Rushfield 2016 D Objects, Conservation administration
Michaels, Peter Christine Daulton 1977 D, P Paintings
Mickels,Solveig Päivi Kyllönen-Kunnas 2024 D, P Textiles, Conservation education (Finland)
Mishra, Sarojkant Shyam Krishnamurthy 2019 D, P Interview Portal (India) Series
Modestini, Mario Joyce Hill Stoner 1996 P Paintings
Mohr, Pauline Tricia O'Regan 2015 D Paintings; Modern art
Montgomery, Charles Joyce Hill Stoner 1976 D Museum administrator
Mora, Paolo and Laura Joyce Hill Stoner 1998 P, D Mural paintings
Mosca, Matthew Stephanie Oman 2011 D Historic interior finishes
Moser, Ken Jessica Ford and Kristin Patterson 2014 D Paintings; Conservation administration
Muller, Norman Rebecca Rushfield 2011 D Paintings
Munch, Jen Anni Irish 2020 D Paintings and contemporary art; Print Club Ltd. interview
Mussey, Robert Kathy Gillis 2022 D Furniture
Mustardo, Peter Pau Maynes 2001 D joint interview with Nora Kennedy for Eastman House; Photographic materials
Myers, Gay & Lance Mayer Terry Marsh 2003 D joint interview with Lance Mayer; Paintings
Myers, Gay & Lance Mayer Kelsey WIngel 2019 D joint interview with Lance Mayer; Paintings
Nagel, Minna Horwitz Marilyn Kemp Weidner and Elizabeth Kaiser Schulte 1978 A,D, P Listed in file as Horwitz-Nagel; Works on paper
Nagetegaal, Hanspeter Hinke Sigmond 2011 D https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-xpj-9tyf; Conducted for a University of Amsterdam graduation thesis; Archived under the NWO-KIEM funded project Interviews in Conservation Research at the University of Amsterdam; Paintings
Nargis, Mamoona Shyam Krishnamurthy 2020 D Interview Portal (India) Series; Fine arts
Naude, Virginia written answers to questions 2012 D Papers housed in the Winterthur Library archive; Sculpture
Neevel, Han Rebecca Rushfield 2024 D Conservation science
Nicolaus, Knut Stefan Schaefer 1996 D Paintings
Nishio, Yoshi Rebecca Rushfield 2024 D Japanese paintings and modern paintings
Nkrumah, Joe Lauren Cox 2006 D Florence Flood
Norman, Jane Anne Kingery 2011 D Objects
Norris, Debra Hess Barbara Lemmen and Jessica Silverman 2016 D Photographic materials
Nurminen, Siukku Gill Crabbe 2022 D Contemporary art; Finnish National Gallery Research Journal interview
Odegaard, Nancy Annabelle Fichtner 2018 D Indigenous objects; Conservation administration
Oddy, W. Andrew Hero Lotti 2002 D Objects; Conservation administration
Oddy, W. Andrew Rebecca Rushfield 2022 D Objects; Conservation administration
Odgers, David Tobit Curteis 2020 D Architecture
Ogden, Sherelyn Rebecca Rushfield 2020 D Library materials
Olin, Charles H Rebecca Rushfield 2010 D Paintings
Olin, Charles Amber Kerr 2013 D joint interview with J Olin; Paintings
Olin, Jacqueline Amber Kerr 2013 D joint interview with C Olin; Conservation science
Olivier, Kate Lydia Vagts 2017 D Paintings
Ordonez, Margaret Sarah Scaturro 2021 D Textiles
Organ, Robert M. Robert Organ 1999 A, D Autobiographical interview; Conservation science; Papers from years as CAL Chief (1962-1975) in Smithsonian Institution Archives (Accession T89051)
Orna, Mary Virginia Mary Virginia Orna 2020 D Answered the questions in writing; Conservation science
Orraca, Jose. Pau Maynes 2001 D for Eastman House, Papers housed in the Winterthur Library archive; Photographic material
Packard, Elisabeth Joyce Hill Stoner 1975 D, P Objects; Conservation administration
Paine, Shelley Reisman Cynthia Stow 2020 D Objects, sculpture
Paisley, Leslie Rachel Childers 2017 D Works on paper
Palmai, Clarissa Harold Mailand 2003 D Textiles
Papadapulos, George Rebecca Rushfield D Protégés interviewed; Paintings
Parkin, Helen Mar Rebecca Rushfield 2022 D Paintings
Partridge, Wendy Leah Palmer 2024 D Paintings
Patri, Stella James Bernstein 1977 H, P Photographed with Flood group and Peter Waters; Books
Patri, Stella Ruth Teiser and Catherine Harroun 1980 D Conducted by UC Berkeley as part of a series on hand bookbinding in the San Francisco Bay Area; Books
Patterson, Carl Courtney Von Stein and Allison McCloskey 2014 D Objects; Conservation administration
Pavelka, Karen Kelly Krish 2020 D AIC Collections Care Network interview; Works on paper
Peachey, Jeffrey Rebecca Rushfield 2018 D Books
Pearlstein, Ellen Caitlyn Fong 2020 D Objects and Conservation education
Pearson, Colin Jan Lyall 2003 D National Library of Australia; Archaeological objects
Pelikan, Anne Kristin deGhetaldi 2006 D Florence Flood; Books
Pemberton-Piggott, Viola Camille Polkownik 2018 D Paintings
Pender, Robyn Leonie Seliger 2021 D Architecture
Perkins, Beverly N. Christina Simms 2009 D Sculpture; Conservation administration
Perkinson, Roy L. Katrina Newbury 2002 P, d Paper
Perrella, Almerindo Robert Ian Gale 1984 H Furniture
Perrot, Paul N. Joyce Hill Stoner 1979 D Museum administration
Perry, Jennifer Rebecca Rushfield 2020, 2021 D Japanese art
Pesegati, Walter Gael de Guichen 2015 D Museum administration, conservation administration
Petersen, Chris Catherine Matsen and Rosie Grayburn 2024 D Conservation science
Petryn, Andrew Patricia Garland 2005 D Paintings, conservation administration
Phelan, Wynne Laura Hartman 2009 D Works on paper; Conservation administration
Philippot, Paul Joyce Hill Stoner 1997 P ,D Conservation administration
Phillips, Joanna Crystal Sanchez and James Smith 2013 P ,D Time-Based Media; Smithsonian Time-Based and Digital Art Working Group Interview Project
Piacenti, Kirsten Kristin deGhetaldi 2006 P Florence Flood; Museum administration
Pinney, Zora Sweet Marie Tadros 2003 D Manufacture of artists materials
Plagge, Henrdik Helene Kat 1995 D https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-zs9-rav4 ; Archived under the NWO-KIEM funded project Interviews in Conservation Research at the University of Amsterdam; Paintings
Plenderleith, Harold Christine Leback 1979 J, P, D Conservation science; Conservation administration
Plesters-Brommelle, Joyce Tina Leback-Sitwell 1978 A, J, P, D Conservation science
Podany, Jerry Rebecca Rushfield 2020 D Objects and antiquities
Podany, Jerry Amanda Tewes 2022 D Objects and antiquities; J. Paul Getty Trust Interview
Pomerantz, Louis Joyce Hill Stoner 1977 D, P Papers housed in the Archives of American Art; Paintings; Conservation administration
Portell, Jean D. Rebecca Rushfield 1989 D Objects
Poulet, Anne Rebecca Rushfield 2007 D Art historian and museum administrator
Pourchot, Eric Rebecca Rushfield 2022 D the American Institute of Conservation
Price, Clifford Mary Greenacre 2020 D Archaeological objects
Price, Lois Annabelle Fichtner 2018 D Library materials; Conservation administration
Primanis, Olivia Leslie E. Long 2005 D Books
Proctor, Robert Rebecca Rushfield 2022 D Joint interview with Jill Whitten; Paintings
Putterman, Lawrence Rebecca Rushfield 2009, 2018 D Gutmann Foundation; Art history
Pye, Elizabeth W.A. (Andrew) Oddy 2020 D Archaeological objects
Quye, Anita Anna Lagana 2021 or 2022 D Modern materials, conservation science; from ICOM CC Modern Materials Contemporary Art Newsletter July 2022 Issue 13 no. 2
Rabin, Bernard Joyce Hill Stoner 1975 D, P Papers housed in the Winterthur Library archive; Paintings
Rabin, Bernard Perry Hurt 1994 D, P Papers housed in the Winterthur Library archive; Paintings
Radecki, Martin Erin Rodgers 2017 D Objects
Radice, Anne Joyce Hill Stoner 2012 D Museum administration
Rajer, Anton Suzanne Barrow 1997 D Outdoor sculpture, installations, folk art
Ramsay, Barbara Rebecca Rushfield 2023 D Paintings
Ramsay, Linda Clare Meredith 2021 D Archival materials
Raphael, Bettina Anya McDavis Conway 2007 D Paintings, painted objects
Reger, Larry Anne Kingery Schwartz 2012 D Conservation administration
Reilly, James Pau Maynes 2001 D for Eastman House; Photographic materials
Reuda, Amparo Rebecca Rushfield 2023 D Preventive conservation; APOYOnline (joint interview with Beatriz Haspo)
Reyes, Patricia Rebecca Rushfield 2020 D Works on paper
Richmond, Alison David Leigh 2020 D conducted in conjunction with an ICON oral history program
Riederer, Josef Stefan Rohrs 2010 D Conservation science
Riley, Orrin Rebecca Rushfield D Protégés interviewed; Modern paintings
Ritzenthaler, Mary Lynn Jessie Kratz 2016 D Archives; Conducted by the National Archives History Office
Riley, Orrin Jessica Ford 2019 D Interviews with his colleagues Sandra Amann and Elizabeth Estabrook; Modern paintings
Roberts, Barbara Rebecca Rushfield 2003 D Furniture and decorative arts
Roberts, James Rebecca Rushfield 2019 D Objects
Robertson, Clements L. Joyce Hill Stoner 1975 pdf Paintings; Very short telephone interview
Roby, Thomas Rebecca Rushfield 2024 D Archaeological sites, mosiacs
Rockwell, Thornton (Tony) James Bernstein 1977 A, D Paintings
Rockwell, Thornton (Tony) P. O'Regan 2009 D Paintings
Rollins Harasewych, Linda Joe Fisch and Tawn O’Connor 2004 D Books
Rose, Carolyn Greta Hansen no date D Objects
Rossi Doria, Matteo Gerrit Albertson 2016 D Paintings
Rossol, Monona Joyce Hill Stoner 2003 P Health and safety
Roth, James Maura Cornman 1983 D Papers in the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art; Paintings
Rothe, Andrea Joyce Hill Stoner 1985 P Paintings
Rothe, Andrea Joyce Hill Stoner with Jeanne McKee 2006 P Florence Flood, Paintings
Roundhill, Linda Jennifer Beetem 2022 D Objects, archeological material
Roy, Ashok Camille Polkownik 2018 D Paintings
Rubio, Matilde and Tim Lewis Annabelle Fichtner 2018 D Murals; Polychrome sculpture
Rudenstine, Angelica Joyce Hill Stoner 2010 D Art history; Administration
Ruggles, Mervyn WT Chase and Joyce Hill Stoner 1976 A, D Paintings; Conservation administration
Rushfield, Rebecca Jean Portell 2014 D Textiles
Rushfield, Rebecca Isabella Crane and Dianne van der Reyden 2025 D Textiles
Russell, Ann Andrea Youngfert 2008 D Conservation administration
Samet, Wendy Adriana Benavides 2020 D Paintings
Sanchis, Frank Sarah Dziedzic 2012 D from the NY Preservation Archive Project; Historic structures; Conservation adminstration
Salter, Gordon Debra Hess Norris 1977 D Wood identification
Scafetta, Stefano Kari Rayner 2017 D Paintings
Scheidemann, Christian Rebecca Rushfield 2010 D Contemporary art
Schilling, Michael Roger Eardley-Pryor 2019 D J. Paul Getty Trust interview; Conservation science
Schnepp, Suzanne Sara Polster 1995 H Objects
Schnitzer, Susanne Terry Marsh 2003 and 2004 D Works on paper
Schorsch, Deborah Saira Haqqi 2013 D Objects
Schwartzbaum, Paul Rebecca Rushfield 2020 D Murals; Historic sites; Conservation administration
Scott, David autobiography 2018 D Archaeological objects; metals
Scott, Katherine O. (Kay) Joyce Hill Stoner 1976 A, D, P Textiles
Scott-Moncrieff, Ambrose Morwenna Blewett D Paintings, Conservation administration
Sease, Catherine (Cap) Leah Palmer 2024 D Archeological and ethnographic objects
Seibert, William Rebecca Watford 2017 D Archives; Conducted by the National Archives History Office
Seliger, Leonie Robyn Pender 2021 D Stained glass
Severson, Doug Mary-Lou Beauchamp 2018 D Photographic materials
Shank, Will Kendall George D Contemporary murals
Sharma, Rahil Shyam Krishnamurthy 2019 D Interview Portal (India) Series; Photographs
Shelley, Marjorie Rebecca Rushfield 2008 D Works on paper
Shenton, Helen Alison Richmond 2016 D Books and library materials
Shepherd, Robert Joyce Hill Stoner 1997 P, D Paintings
Sherwood, Lyn Elliot Nathalie Nadeau Mijal 2020? D Part of the CCI and CHIN Podcast series "In our own words"; Conservation administration
Siano, Suzanne Mareike Opena 2022 D Contemporary art
Sitwell, Christine (Tina) Leback Valentine Walsh 2020 D Paintings
Skaug, Erling Joyce Hill Stoner 2006 P Florence Flood; Panel paintings
Slaton, Deborah Eliz. Patterson 1996 H Architecture
Smith, Leslie Melville Harold Mailand 2003 D Textiles
Smith, Martha Michelle Facini 2004 D Works on paper
Smith, Watson Constance Silver 1978 D Archaeology; Wall paintings
Smyth, Craig Hugh Jean Portell 1995 D Art historian
Snow, Carol Kelsey Wingel 2019 D Objects
Snow,Nancy Lee Steve Brooke 2014 D Paintings
Sonn, Inge Rebecca Rushfield 2004 D About her father Joseph Ternbach; Joseph Ternbach papers housed in the Archives of American Art
Sopher, Sonja Lauren Coney and Samantha Springer 2018 D Paintings
Soultanian, Jack Rebecca Rushfield 2009 D Objects
Sourlis, Tom Christine McSparren 1996 H Glass
Sparks, Peter Peggy Olley 2003 D Books and library materials
Spawn, Willman Julie Baker 2004 D Books
Spencer, John R. Joyce Hill Stoner 1977 D, P Art history
Speroni, Puccio Isabel Brajer 2010 D Paintings
Spirydowicz, Krysia Louise Fox 2018 D Archaeological objects
Spurlock, Del Oberlin Oral History Project 1984 D interview with wife Elizabeth Spurlock; Paintings
Stacy, Robert Rebecca Rushfield 2003 D Conservation librarian
Staniforth, Sarah Leah Bright and Julia Commander 2016 D Conservation administration
Stanley, Ted Anne Downey 2018 D Works on paper
Steele, Marcia Samantha Springer 2013 D Paintings
Stigter, Sanneke Raffaella Tartaglia 2024 D University of Amsterdam Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage interview; Contemporary art, time-based media
Stolow, Nathan Joyce Hill Stoner 1976 D Conservation science
Stolow, Nathan Jean Portell 1996 D Conservation science
Stone, Richard (Dick) Rebecca Rushfield 2008 D Objects
Stoner, Joyce Hill self interview 2010 D Paintings
Stoner, Joyce Hill Rebecca Rushfield 2007 D Paintings
Stoner, Joyce Hill Getty interview project 2019 D Paintings
Stout, George L. WT Chase and Joyce Hill Stoner 1975 D, J Fogg Roundtable discussion; Conservation education; Conservation administration
Stout, George L. Paul Karlstrom 1978 D Through Archives of American Art; Papers housed in the Archives of American Art; Conservation education; Conservation administration
Stow, Cynthia Shelley Reisman Paine 2020 D Paintings
Stahan, Donna Kelsey Marino 2024 D Archaeological artifacts, Administration
Stretti, Karel Erling Skaug D Florence Flood Short interview by email; Paintings
Strngari, Lena Mareike Opena 2022 D Modern and contemporary art
Suhr, William Joyce Hill Stoner 1977 P Papers housed in the Getty Research Institute; Paintings
Sullivan, Brigid by Nancy Odegaard Melissa King 2018 D Odegaard on her colleague; Objects
Szafran, Yvonne Amanda Tewes 2018 D J Paul Getty Trust oral history interview project; Paintings
Talland, Valentine H.P. Lauren Cox 2008 D Sculpture, objects
Talley, Kirby Joyce Hill Stoner 2004 D Art history; Conservation administration
Tatti, Steve Rebecca Rushfield 2023 D Sculpture (especially outdoor sculpture)
Tennent, Norman Joyce Hill Stoner 2004 D Conservation science- glass
Ternbach, Joseph Rebecca Rushfield 2004 A, H Interview with Steve Weintraub about Ternbach; Joseph Ternbach papers housed in the Archives of American Art; Objects
Tetley, Heather Gerry Alabone 2022 D Carpets
Thomsen, Fonda Ghiardi Sarah Scaturro 2022 D Textiles
Thompson, Melissa Wendi Field Murray 2022 D Museum registrar; Collection Care Network interview
Tillander, Steve Russell Clayton 2012 D Paintings; Conducted for the Athos Menaboni Oral History Project
Timm, Ingo Cornelia Weyer and Ivo Mohrmann 2015 In German Polychrome sculpture
Tintori, Leonetto Lily Prigioniero 1998 D Paintings
Tite, Michael Joyce Hill Stoner 2010 D Conservation science
Torraca, Giorgio Gina McKay and Robert Lodge 1981 A, D J Conservation science
Torres, Luis Michael Heslip 1979 A, D Museum administration
Townsend, Joyce Riley Cruttenden 2017 D Conservation science
Trupin, Deborah Rebecca Rushfield 2019 D Textiles
van de Wetering, Ernst Joyce Hill Stoner 2003 D Art historian
van der Reyden, Dianne Joyce Hill Stoner 2024 D Paper; a recording of her presentation about her training can be found at https://www.loc.gov/item/2021688565/
Varnell, Cara Sarah Scaturro 2021 D Textiles
Venturella, Tom Caleb Weintraub-Weissmann 2010 D BCG Craft, Art and Design Oral History Project interview; Stained glass
Verheij, Andre Hinke Sigmond 2011 D https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-xuu-ze7h ; Conducted for a University of Amsterdam graduation thesis; Archived under the NWO-KIEM funded project Interviews in Conservation Research at the University of Amsterdam; Historic interiors
Voce, Graham David Leigh 2021 D Administration
Vogel, Neal Marit Eisenbeis 1996 H Architecure, historic interiors
Volkmer, Jean Marilyn Beckhorn Reiter 1977 A, P, D Paintings
Von Rosensteil, Helene Sarah Scaturro 2022 D Costumes and textiles
Von Sonnenburg, Hubert Joyce Hill Stoner 1996 D Paintings
Von Sonnenburg, Hubert Christian Scheidemann interviewed about him by Rebecca Rushfield 2019 D Paintings
Wadum, Jorgen Joyce Hill Stoner 1999 D Paintings
Wagenaar, Willem Haakma Bernice E. Crijns 2017 D https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-x2e-hmb2 ; Archived under the NWO-KIEM funded project Interviews in Conservation Research at the University of Amsterdam; Historic interiors
Wagenaar, Willem Haakma Hinke Sigmond 2011 D https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-zvx-ntrs  ; Conducted for a University of Amsterdam graduation thesis; Archived under the NWO-KIEM funded project Interviews in Conservation Research at the University of Amsterdam; Historic interiors
Wagner, Arnold Rebecca Rushfield 2007 D Paintings
Walden, Sarah Alexa Beller 2016 D Paintings
Wales, Carroll F. Paula Artal-Isbrand 2005 D Paintings
Walsh, John Joyce Hill Stoner 2016 D Museum administration
Walsh, Judith Jeanne Drewes 2019 D Works on paper
Walsh, Valentine Christine (Tina) Leback Sitwell 2020 D Paintings
Walton, Clair Rachel Bissonnette 2020 D Books and archival materials
Waters, Peter Rebecca Rushfield 2003 D Books and library materials
Watherston, Margaret Dawn Rogala 2006 D Papers housed in the Winterthur Library archive; Modern paintings
Watkins, Stephanie Heather Brown 2021 D Photographic materials
Watkiss, Richard Camille Polkownik 2020 D Paintings
Watson, John Greta Glaser 2011 D [tape trouble] Miuscial instruments
Watters, Mark (refer to Horton interview) Rebecca Rushfield 2003 D Works on paper
Webber, Sandy Gretchen Guidess and Rachel Childers 2016, 2017 D Paintings
Weidner, Marilyn Kemp Christine Smith and Elizabeth Schulte 1976, 1979 A, P, D Papers housed in the Winterthur Library archive; Works on paper
Weidner, Marilyn Kemp Elizabeth Wendelin 2004 D + many tributes from a salute to her, pdf; Works on paper
Weil, Phoebe Dent Maura Cornman 1978 D About NYU; Sculpture
Weintraub, Steve Rebecca Rushfield 2004 D Interview about Ternbach
Weiss, Norman Rebecca Rushfield 2015 and 2016 D Architecture
Weisser, Terry Jessica Arista 2016 D Objects
Werner, A. E. A. Joyce Hill Stoner and WT Chase 1976 D Conservation science
Wharton, Glenn Amy Brost 2013 D Objects, time-based media, conservation education
Wharton, Glenn Crystal Sanchez and James Smith 2013 D Time-Based media, conservation education; Smithsonian Time-Based and Digital Art Working Group Interview Project
Wheelock, Arthur K Joanna Dunn 2004 D Curator
White, Mary Lou Laura Juszczak 1977 D Paintings
White, Raymond Rachel Morrison 2009 D Conservation science
Whitmore, Paul Kelsey Wingel 2020 D Conservation science
Whitten, Jill Rebecca Rushfield 2022 D Joint interview with Robert Proctor; Paintings
Wijers, Gaby Crystal Sanchez and James Smith 2013 D Time-Based Media; Smithsonian Time-Based and Digital Art Working Group Interview Project
Wilcox, Steve Kari Rayner 2017 D Frames
Wilmering, Ton Stephanie Auffret 2024 D Furniture, Conservation administration
Wolbers, Richard Alexa Beller 2016 D Paintings
Wolters, Christian Michael von der Goltz 1998 D Paintings
Woudhuysen, Renate Lucy Wrapson 2010 D Paintings
Wouters, Jan Kristin de Ghetaldi D Conservation science
Wrubel, Faye Cynthia Kuniej Berry 2004 D Paintings
Wyld, Martin Joyce Hill Stoner 1998 D Paintings
Yamin, Martina Rebecca Rushfield 2023 D Works on paper
Yearous, Jenny Wendi Field Murray 2022 D Museum curator; Collection Care Network interview
Yoder, Dean Zoe Avery 2024 D Paintings
Young, William WT Chase 2000 A, P, D Objects
Yow, Alexander Jensen Tim Vitale 1977 A, D Works on paper
Yow, Alexander Jensen Joyce Hill Stoner and Nora Kennedy 2001 D Works on paper
Zagni, Tosca Lynn Reiter 1977 A, D Modern art
Ziraldo, Emma Gaia Wendi Field Murray 2021 D AIC Collections Care Network Interview; Conservation science
Zoufaly, Tom Rebecca Rushfield 2007 D Art moving and installation
Zuccari, Frank Cynthia Kuniej Berry 2004 D Paintings
Zucker, Joyce Rachel Childers 2017 D Paintings
Zycherman, Lynda Rebecca Rushfield 2005 and 2022 D Modern sculpture