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The information presented on the Paintings Conservation Wiki is the opinion of the contributors and does not imply endorsement or approval, or recommendation of any treatments, methods, or techniques described.

Abbott, J. and G. D. Smith. 2009. The role of static charge in dirt accumulation on painted surfaces. Poster presented at AIC Annual General Meeting, May 19–22, Los Angeles, CA.

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Berger, G. A. 1990. Inpainting using PVA medium. In Cleaning, retouching, and coatings: Technology and practice for easel paintings and polychrome sculpture, eds. J. Mills and P. Smith. Preprints of the Contributions to the Brussels Congress, 3–7 September, 1990. London: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works.

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Berns, R. S., J. Krueger, and M. Swicklik. 2002. Multiple pigment selection for inpainting using visible reflectance spectrophotometry. Studies in Conservation 47:46–61.

Berns, R. S., and M. Mohammadi. 2007. Evaluating single- and two-constant Kubelka-Munk turbid media theory for instrumental-based inpainting. Studies in Conservation 52(4):299–314.

Bernstein, J. 2005. Mastering inpainting. Handout at June 2008 workshop and at Winterthur workshop.

Berrie, B. H. 1997. Prussian blue. In Artists’ pigments: A handbook of their history and characteristics, vol. 3, ed. A. Roy, 191–217. Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art.

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Bomford, D. 1994. Changing taste in the restoration of paintings. In Restoration: Is it acceptable? ed. A. Oddy, 33–40. London: British Museum.

Bomford, D., J. Dunkerton, D. Gordon, and A. Roy, with contributions from J. Kirby. 1989. Art in the making: Italian painting before 1400. London: National Gallery.

Bomford, D., and M. Leonard, eds. 2004. Issues in the conservation of painting. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute.

Bonsanti, G. 2003. Theory, methodology, and practical applications: Painting conservation in Italy in the twentieth century. In Early Italian paintings: Approaches to conservation. Proceedings of a symposium at the Yale University Art Gallery, April 2002, ed. P. Garland. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.

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Boyle, R. J. 2002. Synopsis: The American tempera revival. In Milk and eggs: The American revival of tempera painting 1930–1950, eds. M. Yakush et al. Chadds Ford, PA: Brandywine River Museum.

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——— , 1996. Theory of restoration, II. In Historical and philosophical issues in the conservation of cultural heritage, eds. N. Stanley Price, M. K. Talley Jr., and A. Melucco Vaccaro. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute.

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Carlyle, L. 2001. The artist’s assistant. London: Archetype Publications.

Carr, D. W. and M. Leonard. 1992. Looking at paintings: A guide to technical terms. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum.

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Catalano, M. I. 1998. Brandi e il restauro: Percorsi del pensiero. Fiesole: Nardini Editore.

Cennini, Cennino d’Andrea 1933. The craftsman’s handbook (Il libro dell’arte), transl. by D. V. Thompson Jr. New Haven: Yale University Press. (Reprint of the English translation, New York: Dover Publications, 1960.)

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Ciatti, M., and M. P. Mannini, eds. 2001. Giovanni da Milano: Il polittico di Prato. Arte e restauri no. 2.

Clavir, M. 1998. The social and historic construction of professional values in conservation. Studies in Conservation 43(1):1–8.

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Cohn, M. 1977. Wash and gouache. Cambridge, MA: Fogg Art Museum and American Institute of Conservation.

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De la Rie, E. R., and A. M. Shedrinsky. 1989. The chemistry of ketone resins and the synthesis of a derivative with increased stability and flexibility. Studies in Conservation 34(1):9–19.

De la Rie, E. R., S. Q. Lomax, M. Palmer, L. D. Glinsman, and C. A. Maines. 2000. An investigation of the photochemical stability of urea-aldehyde resin retouching paints: Removability tests and color spectroscopy. In A. Roy and P. Smith (Eds.), Tradition and innovation: Advances in conservation, contributions to the Melbourne congress, 10–14 October 2000. London: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works.

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Dulac, M. W. 1969. Raymond Katz: Master of mixed techniques. American Artist 33(1):58–68.

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Dwyer Modestini, D. 2003. Approaches to retouching and restoration: Imitative restoration. In Early Italian paintings: Approaches to conservation. Proceedings of a Symposium at the Yale University Art Gallery, April 2002, ed. P. S. Garland, 208–224. New Haven and London:Yale University Press

Dykstra, S. W. 1996. The artist’s intentions and the intentional fallacy in fine arts conservation. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation, 35(3):197-218.

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