Category talk:Exhibit Design

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11/10/2020 MWG S&S Comments Discussion/Review of Emergency Preparedness Management Section

Discussion of Narrative vs Standard sections - combine, offline? N Lev Alexander offered to do this L Goldberg suggested upping the big picture (risk assessment), and separating out fire, physical, water as risks in this section. Agreement that we should work on higher level risk assessment section and slot that in first.

For example: add a bullet under Multilevel Conservation response

But even higher, add under Exhibit Planning, Conservation and Exhibit Process Add a section on understanding your museum environment and building envelope

Raise in into as a sentence in the intro then put it into Exhibit Design Add a bullet under Multilevel Conservation Response and change the title to Risk Assessment. Explore the idea of rewriting this section to focus more on Risk Assessment. Group by "slow cumulative" vs "rare and catastrophic"; group headings differently. Note that physical can be both. A rubric chart? A series of narrative descriptions? Link to the CCI wall chart?

We will extract these sections and pass around as a document to work on off-line

...Include something from one of Rob Waller's publications....

10/20/2020 MWG S&S Comments

Discussion about adding "Risk Assessment" earlier on in this - perhaps under the very first heading as a bullet under "macro and micro" 
  • C.Leckie asked that we all think about it and look at the guidelines and make a proposal next time. And we also need to talk with the NPS people as well...because it is a shift.
  • P. Silence suggests moving larger up to top - fire, security, etc. C. Leckie suggests flipping the order.
  • JH suggests checking out order of guidelines since they are not the same as the current narrative section

We agreed to discuss this at our next meeting (using "rare and catastrophic" as opposed to "cumulative" as our language cues)

Under Security, suggest substituting Guideline 16 in totality (C. Leckie: much stronger than the original narrative). Question of content and style (style for the Guideline is different - headings are all questions, as opposed to narratives). N. Lev-Alexander suggested fleshing out some of the bullets to give some of the "why" - we may not be the right group to do this, but a simple substitution might be a positive change for now.

Next, do we want to work from editing this and get as far as we can, or do we want to bring in some experts for our group now? L Goldberg suggested bringing in Tim White from Yale. C. Leckie will email him. and ask if he can join us.

Discussion of LC and Archives security situations; N. Lev-Alexander suggests that federal people might make things too complex and laden with details that do not apply generally (IT and security).

Emergency Preparedness section is very brief; Guidelines focuses on Fire and Water - but the topic is broader, especially with foci on climate change and institutional use of non-standard display uses. Before we figure out what direction we suggest, perhaps as a homework assignment we need to look at the narrative and the guideline and see which one we recommend (while staying focused on "exhibit design."

Some Notes on the Standards 9 - 13 relating to Material Selection Criteria -JH

9.1 During discussion of Conservation safeguards, material selection could be called out more specifically; also may want to more pointedly address avoid, block, mitigate, etc.

9.2 May want to add in conservation scientist to team of technical specialists for help with material selection

9.4 Could call out further that proper material selection up front will help with long term conservation requirements; may also tie in that reuse of cases/exhibit material is better for sustainability and preservation when proper material selection occurs during exhibit planning

10.1 Could mention material selection for choosing proper enclosures in order to minimize offgassing inside cases that could damage objects, tie in avoid, block, mitigate, etc

10.2 Needs a lot of added info! Placeholders exist but info needs to be written for many topics, including security, fire, humidity, temperature, lighting, pollutants (tie in material selection for offgassing here), and pests

10.3 The design for the exhibit cases utilizes object-safe materials - this section needs to be completely written and specifically addresses material selection! Can add information about offgassing, material degradation, material testing, link to Oddy results, mention using SDS and indoor air quality results to narrow choice but some materials that are safe for people are not safe for cultural heritage and vice versa

11.2 Add select stable materials so mount does not contribute to objection degradation (for example no plasticizers in mount that could migrate) since mount is in physical contact with object or at least add reference/link to 11.3 which deals specifically with object safe mounts (which appears to have a link missing at the bottom of the guideline - 11.3 could likely have more info added in general)

12.1 More info may need to be added within standard and as link, since a reference is marked with an * as a placeholder

12. Change title by adding the word "Ensure" New title - Ensure Furnishings and non-display exhibit furniture, such as panels, seating, and carpeting, do not compromise object safety; could also reference CRI for carpet testing

13 (13.1, 13.2, 13.3) are all about material selection - looks like a lot of good info, but there are places that need more info/updates - check links (we might want to spend time as a group reviewing this section?)

18.2 has some mention of Material Selection and overall intro to guideline 18 may need some more info added, since there is a section that says placeholder

9/22/2020 MWG S&S Comments

We are about finished with a rewrite of the lighting section. Next time (10/06), we will take a quick look at the Physical Security and Emergency and Preparedness Response sections

8/5/2020 MWG S&S comments[edit source]

  • Add a sentence about and a link to JTetraut's CCI Technical Bulletin 32 to the narrative first paragraph of General Guidelines for Gaseous Pollutants (who volunteers?)
  • Work on first two paragraphs to make less repetitive. Add something brief about ventilating cases at the end of paragraph 2.
  • NLev-Alexander offered to do the re-write, pending discussion with the NPS editing group (IS this a job for the NPS editing group)

Macro Solutions Paragraphs are out of date and are missing information - HVAC systems, not all systems can use all types of MERV filters or charcoal/perman. beds...and need a link to updated ASHRAE document. - NPS group rewrite? Perhaps include bullet points of different kinds of solutions

Design Decisions Link to Standards (Category: Exhibit Design, Appropriate Design Solutions) Guideline 18.1, 18.2 Note: is there a circular link between the two texts, with repeat? (someone please resolve this!) - perhaps repeat between particulates and gaseous...please check, and distinction should be made clearer.

Choice of Exhibit Construction Materials

  • Change "outgassing" to "offgassing" as a global terminology change
  • Link to JTetrault's CCI Tech Bulletin 32 in this section, also link to bibliography in "Choosing Materials" section of the wiki.
  • Add JTetrault's reference to "bathtub curve" about materials when they are new, vs when they have aged
  • Made minor editorial changes to first sentence and bullet lists.
  • Added an additional bullet to second bullet list about checking to make sure you are looking at the precise product that you want.
  • Add a thought about use of "green" or "sustainable" materials, and the fact that this designation may NOT indicate that it is safe for exhibition use
  • Add the words "risk assessment" to this bullet list somehow

Overarching concern: Choice of Exhibit Construction Materials should be mentioned/discussed/linked in a higher level section (under "multilevel conservation response, exhibit format and layout? (check that it comes up as a topic of concern earlier in the text)

Dissipating Pollutants

NOTE: we realized that there is a lack of consistency for "macro" and "micro" - we suggest the NPS group outline this more clearly in this section. We did not fully review and make changes because we found this confusing.

We've had discussions about appropriate times for drying times at the case level and room level...ranging from 3-4 weeks, to 4 days, for the room.

  • Link to Standard 18 (Mitigating Pollutant Hazards)
  • Note that Standard 18 needs to be updated.

Note: here are the bullets we are revising and want to use to replace the intro bullets to this section:

  • Assess the objects for their sensitivity and specific exhibition needs. Design the exhibition based on this preservation assessment, including appropriate use of space that includes factors such as building environmental and exhibition conditions. This may also determine case requirements such as how airtight to make the case (see TechNotes Sealing of Exhibition Cases).

Note: doesn’t the link to Technote on Ultrasonic leak detection belong with this bullet? Do we want to expand to CO2 leak detection methods, or perhaps re-write the Technote as simply “Leak Detection for Exhibit Cases”?

  • Select stable materials and products for case construction and finish layers. Based on the above assessment, avoid materials known to interact with the collection items due to emitted hazardous gases, becoming acidic, and/or losing physical or chemical stability with age. While "green" materials may be beneficial for health or environmental reasons, they may pose hazards for collection materials. (see: Choosing Materials for Storage, Exhibition & Transport) Testing may be required during the iterative material selection process. (see related section??)
  • Use selected materials in ways that minimize the potential for gaseous emissions. This includes applying appropriate coatings, sealants, or separating layers, and allowing appropriate drying and aeration for materials such as paint and adhesives. Ideally a drying period of 4 weeks is recommended before using exhibit cases, and 1 or 2 weeks of aeration for the exhibit gallery prior to installation. Note that although there is little data for aeration of exhibit spaces (such as individual galleries or rooms), an appropriate drying and aeration period is recommended to evacuate volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from paints, coatings, sealants, or even materials listed as low volatility compounds (LVOCs).
  • Monitor pollutants inside and outside the case. Assess the air quality within the museum and inside exhibition cases to ensure that the conservation criteria for the exhibit are fulfilled throughout the lifetime of the exhibition/display cases [especially if cases are re-used regularly]. (see TechNotes Monitoring Pollutants Inside an Exhibit Case).


  • Add info on LVOCs and some examples to Fabrication Section.
  • We think we need to add a note about the tendency of darker colors take longer to dry...not sure where to put it. Maybe under Fabrication section
  • "Off-gas" should have a dash? We agree to take it out, to reduce punctuation and code, and to keep closer to the original
  • Discussion of who/how to make global change from "outgas" to offgas (with or without the dash) - J Herrmann volunteers

Pest Section:

add bullet or statement on training of contract or event staff on pest control measures (Pam) High points and then link people to museumpests site. The NPS Standards section is so limited that it might not be worth keeping. Add links to specific examples of policies for IPM, Food and Drink, etc. Add a sentence to reference "art in bloom" kind of events Add something on "dead spaces" or inaccessible voids, then found the bullet that targets this and re-wrote it.

PSilence - concentrate on providing the "triggers" for discussion, along with links to specific pages in

7/15/2020 MWG S&S Continue discussion of Exhibit Design Remember to think about addressing sustainability when updating

Under Open or Enclosed Display? JTetrault wants off-gassing from materials (display and construction) and objects to be called out as important consideration when determining whether to have an open or closed display. Several other members agree this is an important change. PSilence quickly reviewed guideline links and the material has some info but calling out the offgassing is still important.

May need to consider adding a section on potential interaction between object and display area? For example for objects that off-gas themselves as opposed to case material off-gassing. Also need to incorporate that interactions between different case materials as well as between the object and the case materials can also create issues

Under Temperature and Relative Humidity Link to resources about degradation occurring at higher temperatures, hydrolysis reactions increasing with humidity and temperature and how environment can accelerate degradation of other pollutant effects as well - make this connection within this text a little more clear. May need to link to Standard 19 or incorporate more of the info into this section. Point 1 and 2 are related and could be linked to more information. Point 3,4,5 link to more information.

Add a small comment to point to other parts of wiki and how to monitor environment - ASHRAE, seasonal drift, etc to capture some of the newer thought on environmental control since the original document was written

Under Macro Design Solutions Need to add information about LED lighting - LED lighting also needs to be added this new info to Guideline 19.3

Need to mention stratification of temperature and/or humidity within display cases (especially tall cases) - need to increase air circulation inside cases, addition of fans, etc. The physical dimensions of cases may influence microclimates within cases. May link to verifying performance but should address during design to avoid potential problems.

Under Particulate Matter Bullet the information under "Various methods of reducing particulate pollution..." Also add something about the when particulates are appropriately controled, the aesthetic of the display is enhanced and the need for cleaning is reduced Add general comment about construction - whether exhibit or renovation of areas - increases particulate matter

Add a bullet about case and/or room level positive pressure - may be able to be added to the third bullet point under the main heading along with localized filtration equipment.

Macro solutions Need a new tech note about HEPA filters for HVAC systems and to explain MERV levels. Tie into ASHRAE document. Must point out cost of using HEPA filters since this may be prohibitive for some cultural heritage institutions. Explain that adding more filters/higher filtration will also affect the working of the HVAC system, higher energy consumption - tie in having a conversation with facility staff about HVAC working. This also applies to storage - not just exhibit. Also important during construction

Micro solutions Add positive pressure as a solution here, link to tech note? Revise information about commercial units

Gaseous Pollutants Move material selection bullet up higher (select the correct materials should be under getting a baseline understanding of the pollutants and object off-gassing as well that may exist in the internal environment), then bullet for aeration of exhibit case, aeration of exhibit space, then monitor consistently, Jean wants to de-emphasize the use of scavengers - scavengers give a false sense of protection, instead focus more on selecting materials and seal of case - scavengers are a last resort and will not solve a problem. Take scavengers out of this first bulleted section, but could be put in solution section describing that it is a last resort. Discussion about stating 3 weeks for exhibit aeration prior to object installation; add information that this time period may not be a standard wait time Add a bullet that aeration for exhibit case should be a longer time since the environment is closer to the object Bullets need to be rewritten and reorganized - then reviewed by group

General Guidelines Link to JTetrault's work in order to understand specific concerns of different materials Drop the word "Chemical" and use the term "Gaseous" again to mimic the title - use this throughout section

Could add that some objects are rarely affected by anything - need to understand the susceptibility of the object and different materials - again this stresses the importance of adding a link to Jean's work

Clearly state that gaseous pollutants can be external and/or internal. Bullet points with examples could be given - internal (object, exhibit case materials) vs external (ambient environment, construction) Significance of external or internal pollutants will affect open or closed display (link between sections?)

Add a section about contact pollutants somewhere.

Be careful of use of word "materials" for example in second paragraph. Does this refer to object, case? Avoid confusion by using the word object instead.

Importance of AVOIDING problems before trying to find solutions May need to rewrite tech notes about scavengers and sorbents as well

Guideline 10 - needs more information as well to go along with this section - not complete

Next meeting will continue with Gaseous Pollutants - Macro Solutions" LGoldberg and JTetrault are working on rewriting the bullet points that can be discussed next time.

6/30/2020 MWG S&S CLeckie brought up that materials choice comes up only under gaseous pollutants; what about workability, strength, and other factors in choice of exhibition materials.

Add a bullet under "Multilevel Conservation Response" OR under elsewhere....note that we added a sentence to the first bullet to cover this.

For Exhibit Conservation Guidelines Chart: JTetrault thinks Level 1 statements should be contextually based We suggest adding another line for catastrophic, or better yet, re-organizing by the 9 agents of deterioration. (CCI Wall Chart? - JTetrault reports that it is not online yet). We could update the chart based on CCI narrative and link to CCI CLeckie - "Logic of "avoid, detect, mitigate, respond" seems to be missing from this document." Would be nice to replace to replace this chart with a boiled down version of the CCI chart merged with this. JTetrault would like to see the idea of risk assessment incorporated into the Conservation Criteria, because this will determine what "level" one chooses on the chart.

Terminology issue: exhibit area or exhibit case, vs macro vs micro environment. Make sure the titles reflect the same terminology throughout.

General comment: When we compare the Narrative and the Guidelines and Standards, trying to keep a boiled down version of the table would be helpful as a touchstone/condensed reference tool.

Macro-climate solution: expand to be more encompassing, link to ASHRAE document and other sections of the AIC wiki that deal with environmental considerations. Note we added a sentence. Also expand sentence to encompass understand building construction and HVAC system operations.

Note that we added a few sentences

PSilence - note that when you change exhibit layout (add a wall or demolish one), you need to re-evaluate fire protection and get the Fire Marshal to re-evaluate.

We also noted the lack of information on light (especially natural) throughout these sections; this is clearly an issue for exhibit format and layout....and exhibit design.

For both sections, we recommend cutting the specifics. So for Macro-environment, cut the original text "the temperature and humidity in the entire.....)

Micro-climate solution: add the concept of when a system fails.... Last sentence needs to be re-written as more direct.