Accelerated aging test
procedure carried out in controlled conditions that determines effects of one or a combination of agents such as temperature, humidity, light, pollutants in materials, and extrapolated the collected data to rate of change over time.
Related Terms[edit | edit source]
life expectancy, Arrhenius function
Synonyms in English[edit | edit source]
aging test, fading test
Translation[edit | edit source]
English | accelerated aging test |
French | |
Spanish | |
Portuguese | teste de envelhecimento acelerado |
Italian | |
German | |
Arabic | |
Chinese (Traditional) | 人工加速老化試驗 |
Discussion[edit | edit source]
Quoting from SAA's Glossary: "Although sound in theory, accelerated aging tests are, at this time, of limited usefulness. The reason is that conditions of storage, which vary widely, have a considerable influence on the degree of permanence; also, it is difficult to verify empirically the accuracy of such tests except by experiments conducted over a number of years."(Pearce-Moses 2012)
References[edit | edit source]
Pearce-Moses, Richard. 2012. “A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology.” Society of American Archivists.